The death penalty is nothing more than a state-sanctioned revenge killing and is an utterly barbaric practice.

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. . .and let Texas murder Murphy last night.

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"The Fifth Circuit is an outpost of extremism and lawlessness."

This sounds like a "hive of scum and villianery".....

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What the fuck? They have completely lost their minds!

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One more example that judges are unconstrained to do anything they want.

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Oct 11, 2023·edited Oct 11, 2023

the Insane Clown-Car Posse* Circuit never fails to lower the bar, every day and in every way. needless to say, this shit needs to stop and the Fifth Circuit needs to be cleaned out with industrial strength hoses and disinfectants.

(*i concede that it is slanderous to compare Insane Clown Posse to the Fifth Circuit. mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.)

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Hey! I do fanfic too! I specialize in barabarian warlords, superheroes and, from time to time, a magician/ prophet/ unlicensed doctor named Jesus H. Christ. (He broke his mother's heart when he dropped out of med school to practice hypnotism and stage magic. He had a traveling troupe of disciples and ended up crosswise (LOL!) with the local authorities in a big way)

And I must insist that this guy's work product does not rise to my high standards for fanfic! Absolute rubbish! He barely writes at the level of Harry Potter Porn fanfic. Try harder loser! You're giving fanfic a bad name! Cut it out!

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damn liberal activist judges........

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Why the photo of Hannibal Lector...?

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Hannibal Lecter's newest cookbook is due to hit soon.

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I have no idea what to say to this. I'm dumbfounded.

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The 5th was a notably courageous civil rights circuit, once upon a time.

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a sitting target for assholes and wingnuts from Nixon onwards, in other words.

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Sounds about right

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But executing people gives them "aesthetic joy," the new standard invented by the 5th circuit's chief judge James Ho--he of the swearing-in ceremony conducted in Harlan Coban's Nazi library by friend-of-the-courtier-billionaires Clarence Thomas.

The rest is silence. For the executed ones, that is. It's aesthetic joy for these boys.

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Dear god--I had all but erased that bit about "aesthetic joy" from my memory. I still think he was out of his damn mind to think that some doctor's awe of supposed beauty* usurps the rights of a pregnant person.

"I'm sorry your honor, I had to kill him. If I hadn't, he would have robbed me of the aesthetic joy of looking at that specific tree each and every day." See how that fails to work?

*I have seen what happens during a vaginal birth. (Not firsthand, thankfully.) Yes, bringing new life into the world--crapsack as that world is--is undoubtedly a beautiful thing, but the actual birthing of a human? That can be borderline disgusting.

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You mean Harlan Crow. Harlan Coben is a mystery writer whose books seem to inevitably end up as a Netflix miniseries.

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The mystery is WHY? they get that treatment.

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Elie Mystal has the solution: Add more Justices to the Supreme Court.


He recommends about 20.

We would require the co-operation of the US Senate to do this, but first and foremost, we would need a US President who understood how badly our Judicial Branch is failing and who had the courage to do something about it: something that the President has both the power and the responsibility to do.

I like President Joe Biden generally, but there are some things that he just fails to do for us, and it makes me angry and sad.

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My personal opinion is that we should have (at least) one justice per circuit. We went up to nine justices when there were nine circuits. There are now 13 circuits, so if we follow "inflation", we should add four more justices.

I don't see anything wrong with even more, but I think 13 is a good starting point. (Bonus: if done by the Left, it just barely rebalances the majority.)

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Elie talks about this in his podcast Contempt of Court. It's excellent.

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A dick head,

A docket

Opinion in pocket

What makes him think

He's smart

He's far right

He's vicious

He thinks

He's delicious

But really he's

Just a fart

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Posting this little tantrum to the docket doesn't carry any legal weight, does it?

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It's good to see the word "bloodthirsty" entering the discourse. It's long overdue.

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