Just what we need… another short, bald, dickless apparatchik bureaucrat who can’t get a private sector/for profit job.

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I’m on the list!

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It WOULD be a badge of honor. For a while..

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I suppose it's a coincidence that Ivan has a Russian sounding name.

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Wow, I can barely wait for the new screams of "RUSSIA HOAX!!!" from the Peanut Gallery.

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The Fourth Reich. Coming next January.

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I'm so glad Jamie recovered from cancer, what would we do without him?

Let's not forget the MAGAs are still threatening death to anyone who doesn't worship Trump online, by phone, by visiting their homes.

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I'm so glad Jamie recovered from cancer, what would we do without him?

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My neighbors can't wait to tattle on anyone that that doesn't support the far fucking cheeto.

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So.......just how small IS your dick.......

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Is it time to buy a gun?

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I will say that any weapon you have that you don't know -- really know -- how to use, is going to be your enemy's weapon. Assuming they know how to use it themselves, that is. So if you *do* buy a gun, start going to the range, or at least spend a couple of hours learning how to shoot and maintain your weapon.

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That would be the plan, and while it was 40 years ago, I have done basic combat training in the Army.

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That’s Hannibal Lechter!

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Ta, Marcie. There's never going to be another Trump maladministration. WE VOTE.

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I'd like to see a picture of that guy in his "Free Helicopter Rides" t-shit. You know he owns one.

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Pinoshit wannabe.

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"Ginni Thomas has been stroking her cat to in a luxury RV"


To the Person[s] Concerned:

Please do not invoke this mental picture, or anything remotely like it, ever again, for any reason or no reason.

Your cooperation in this matter will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance.

Very truly yours,

Literally everyone on earth

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There was a political cartoon in Daily Kos where TR45H was promising/threatening all the things he'd do, e.g., "Project 2025 is OK, I guess, but it really needs to be more racist", etc.

In one of his teeny tiny cartoon hands was a "things to do list" that read:




[partly covered up by hand holding paper] -- KILL JUNIOR

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"...get arrested on “live streamed swatting raids” full of politicians, police officers, and journalists who he claims he’s already been surveilling..'

Guy chained to the hood of the lead assault vehicle shredding superamplified death metal guitar as they drive or GTFO.

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To the Max.

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