We have the N word, we have the C word and now we have the R word. Thanks Obama.

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It is time for chickens to get back to their dinosaur roots. I'm going to start working on breeding a 10 foot chicken with teeth that has an appetite for golfers. Think of the drumsticks .... if you survive.

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I was almost willing to give the cartoon the benefit of the doubt that he was just expressing the viewpoint of the kind of person who would invade the White House rather than his own.

Until I saw his ridiculous claim that "I just love watermelon". Riiiiiiight, and I have a bridge for sale you might be interested in.

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It's too bad you don't, because I understand there's quite a deal on chicken at the Fresno Safeway.

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What do you have against the Nuclear Regulatory Commission?

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Many serial killers target prostitutes. Maybe this guy was a bit confused about how this Chicken Ranch made it's money.

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