Don't be RIDICULOSE! Women don't do it with other women!

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My kazoo band's newest song...

♫♫ <i>How are ya gonna get them off of the farm now that they've made whoopee? Why would they go and see the big wide world now that they've banged Sweet Pea? Something something something [played as kazoo sounds] Something something something [played as kazoo sounds] "Animal husbandry", so How ya gonna send them off to the town [clonk*] now that they've found [clonk*] bestiality? </i> ♫♫

<i>[repeat with more cowbell]</i>

*[clonk] = cowbell

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Or obsess about Bubba Clinton if she wants to channel MoDo.

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Bill Donohue, the papist Pat Robertson.

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Um, no. Unless they are sick vicious angerbears, they have sex to get off. For just about every man that's a much more powerful motivator than any power trip. By several orders of magnitude.

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Or, here's a thought, maybe seek out and enter into a relationship with another person that is characterized by mutuality and respect for the other person's boundaries. In my experience this is by far the best option. The cranks don't know what they're missing. Most men don't want just sex. They want to find someone who they love and who loves them, who they can share their journey through life with. I don't think it's probably too different from what most women want in a relationship.

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Yeah, if the other person isn't into it (or isn't even conscious enough to willingly and heartily participate), it's a real mood killer. Affirmative consent is a total turn-on. In fact, it's a requirement for there to be any fun.

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Sorry, but I just don't trust that Invisible Hand. I don't know where else it's been.

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Yeah, their reticence on all things spiritual is deafening.

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Well, in <i>my</i> experience [slicks back hair, adjusts non-existent necktie] she and I got through the "convincing" phase in just a few seconds; she was quite persuasive and [winks] I always said "yes." *sly grin*

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She was so excited about the sex were about to have she passed out!

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Pics or it never happened!

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Boner Justice!

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Yes means y*SPLORT*

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"Both good men"

She only knows two.

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I actually did roll out of the sack at 0330 and go look at the moon this time. My original plan was to wait for the umbra to move partway off, but one thing about lunar eclipses is they aren't exactly fast-moving. Around 0400 I decided I didn't want to be asleep in the lawn chair when the sun came up. But it was pretty cool to see live. Couple of meteor tracks, too.

(I'm easily entertained).

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