@thegrandwazoo2:disqus: Ignore @villagodelendaest:disqus; you can stamen.

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Hope to God you're not there now. I hate this whole idea and can't believe it's still a thing in this day and age. We're begging kids to be outside (instead of being forced as in my day!), and then prosecuting them for doing what comes naturally GRRRRR

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Ugh! How horrible - unfortunately I understand it - although in my case it was elementary school when I first was sent to a psychologist and middle school that I got assaulted

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I went to Catholic school. In the 60s. Full habit nuns, rulers on knuckles. They called me 'devil's spawn' to my face. Yes, I am a leftie. My Mother had steel in her spine.

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My mom was a lefty, too, and my crocheting is totally whacked! Not exactly left handed style, but sure as hell not normal right handed, either. It's some sort of mashed up hybrid.

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We had the same shit, and in a bizarre twist, at the end of the year, the kids who never had to sit on the stage...got to sit on the stage. Just idiotic mind fuckery.

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Do you find yourself apologizing to inanimate objects when you bump into them? (I do and that's not even with the help of wine.)

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Yeah, but a lot more went along for the ride.

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A person needs to have goals.

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I was always the bad child even though I was a complete tool following all the rules. Turns out my mother was a sociopath who would answer the same question differently every time

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And the judges said that they were able to speak for themselves in court and did not need a lawyer

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I have found a solution to your iwwational feaw of puppies!


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There is also a poor factor beyond lack of money and connections. Poor kids are more likely to have some degree of lead poisoning and one of the milder effects is damaging impulse control. Police and teachers hate poor impulse control and overreact to it.

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Why are we not naming and shaming the perps?

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what...? you mean the same ohio that declared racism a public health crisis in one of its counties...?....or the minnesota of the racial real estate covenants...?

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No doubt because they woulda got better treatment than they did in their school-home environment. </sarcasm_dv>

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