And there drops the other shoe.

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Now if we can just get rid of that leprous reptile Mary Pilcher-Cook...

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I'm perfectly willing to believe he existed.It's those weird stories people tell about him that I have a problem with.

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I thought the judge was well within his rights to ask about treason, because I've also wondered why Flynn wasn't charged with treason. It turns out it's because we have to be at war with a country in order for a person to be able to commit treason, and we weren't at war with Russia or Turkey.

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I was wondering why Flynn wasn't charged with treason, also, too. It turns out it's because we weren't at war with Russia or Turkey. Seems like a small technicality to me.

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I bet there are gangs forming in there right now that will cause problems for decades. It's amazing it hasn't resulted in terrorism yet.

Every single who took part in this should go to prison for life...

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It really angers me that the right has WAAAAY different standards for the acceptability of criminality for poor immigrants than it does for their predisent.

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They want to throw these kids away, or hand them over to wingnutters for slave labor and abuse. Stephen Miller should be made to live in a cage for the rest of his shit existence.

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Trump and his minions are terrible, terrible people. I couldn't imagine not wanting to hold a child. I have cousins with many, many children. I spent much of my Thanksgiving holding a child it made me so happy to hold the babies. Causing this terror I hope they pay, and pay and pay for this sin.

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Like other instances like this in history, they will write books about their experiences, and we will all be shamed again. Rightfully so.

I just wish we could add a happy ending and stop this all.

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Not so fun when you're on the other side of it, huh?

Get em, Dems


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Should we move them all to an ice box before orientation?

Oh, I'm sorry, a "camp"

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Speaking of Judge Sullivan, today he ruled against the government's (sessions) efforts to just change the asylum rules. He'll soon be on Trumps Shit List.

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No food in the house and too lazy to go get any. Normal for me. I usually only eat when I'm at work which is Fri-Sun. The rest of the week I graze on whatever is around which usually isn't much.

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"Christian adoption" agencies will snap them up and rehome them with evangelical/fundamentalist families, and the abuse will continue.

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Of course.

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