<i>early voting ordered by Republican Secretary of State Jon Husted, who keeps trying to prevent early voting, which he appears to think is especially rife with “fraud” </i>

All the dogs on my street started barking at that.

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“I guess I really actually feel we shouldn’t contort the voting process to accommodate the urban — read African-American — voter-turnout machine."

Yeah, how dare <em>those</em> people, thinking they have a say in a participatory process! Any God-fearin' Republican knows that the only people who should have a say are those who can write checks exceeding 5 figures.

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Based on the state seal, is the official song of Ohio Muskrat Love?

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Ideas are for Out-of-Touch Ivory Tower Eggheads. What we need is more good old-fashioned populism, a la Steve "Canteloupes" King!

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I see that MoDo's been sharing those chocolates she scored in Denver.

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<i>“I guess I really actually feel we shouldn’t contort the voting process to accommodate the urban — read African-American — voter-turnout machine.”</i>

I hope that slide makes it onto the section of every Sociology 101 PowerPoint presentation that mentions "privilege". Much as my own Psychology 101 presentations have a quote from Bill O'Reilly about Sylvia's and ice tea on the section about covert prejudice.

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Now, come on, my fellow snark mobsters - if you had a platform like the Republican platform, wouldn't you do everything you could to prevent people from voting on it?

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The conservatives wouldn’t have to supress voters if they just ran some intelligent, reasonable and qualified candidates like …. Ummmm… Oh how about? What? In jail? ….. I think I see the problem.

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I thought that it was a picture of Butch Otter.

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Sounds like commanizim to me!

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<i>who keeps trying to prevent early voting, which he appears to think is especially rife with “fraud” (if by “fraud” one means “black people voting.” Which of course one does).</i>

Ha ha ha! As if black people <i>could</i> actually vote! Like there was an amendment (or two) to the Constitution that actually said they should be able to vote!

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