Don't tell me they left out the definitely factual news that William Barr was executed at Gitmo some time ago and the (rather poor) lookalike who testified at the hearings was a body double?

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Fremont, CA has a naked cyclist parade?

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Dark to light . . .


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Oh no, our cover has been blown!

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smoketoomuch ?

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don’t see “idiocracy” making the rounds on tv, & it’s got electrolytes !

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He was the Executive Producer of Colbert's show at the time. He probably wasn't one of the scheduled guests.

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Heck, the rest of us probably didn't even hear about Alec Baldwin's alleged pantsless GITMO execution, reported on conspiracy site RealRawNews earlier this month:Oh, sure, you libs laugh now, but in a few months they'll announce his death from "heart attack" or something. They're just keeping the corpse on ice so it'll look fresh when the time comes. And anyone you've seen claiming to be Baldwin is obviously a CIA double. I've seen those movies, I know how good those latex masks and voice-changing do-dads are!(/s, obviously)

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Why do fascist lunatics think that all all normal people watch nothing but CNN and MSNBC? Fright-wingers accuse me of being a CNN/MSNBC brainwashed libtard constantly. I haven't watched CNN in almost 30 years, and have never watched MSNBC. Of course, living abroad makes that easy, but even if I were still in the US, I wouldn't watch them.I gave up on TV and cable news in the early 90s. I prefer news without a soundtrack or dramatic acting. I get most of my news via print sources online. I only occasionally watch local news for breaking events like typhoons or earthquakes.

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“licht is also a verb describing something sparsely populated”Like the neurones in a MAGAT’s brain?

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“licht means light”?

Doesn’t Trump mean “fart”?

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JFK Jr. of course

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So, "Licht" (all German nouns are capitalized), a German family name? Why not go off on "Biden," (German "die Beiden," "both of them"), and decide he represents Christ's dual nature? Or maybe is riffing a poem by Hugo Hofmannsthal?

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Sie haben Recht, Kumpel.

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I do watch those networks, but also tune in to NPR, the BBC, Deutsche Welle, and others. They impute their own straitjacket to us, as is their wont.

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Madness, but unsurprising. Ta, Robyn.

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