
Even here in hippy, communist Seattle, our police union is a racist cesspool. They've fought every attempt at reform tooth and nail. Their contract precludes many of the attempted reforms, and they won't give an inch. Fucking gross.

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You could start some kind of foundation in your relative's name, fund scholarships or such like, and keep their name alive.

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So... they're not really trying.

Great system.

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I took some French in college, and a phrase I thought might prove useful was: Je suis Canadienne/Canadien. Haven't used it yet, but you never know.

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nope. sorry. non-commenting rules. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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I did not put that as clearly as I meant. (I see your response in my email, but not here.) Just as journalists ask softball questions so they don't lose access to subjects, DAs need cops to bring them evidence - oops - for cases so the DAs can win and become politically powerful. Pissing off cops does not help with cooperation.

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LOL, eh?

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Hardly justice at all tho.

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And this shit will not stop until what you just proposed happens.

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I watch the local Minneapolis news every morning and never heard about that. Sometimes I really hate this country

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Asset forfeiture became a thing when I was working for Marriott in the 1980's. One thing it did was drive drug operations into hotel rooms. Cause somehow, having armed-to-the-teeth drug dealers surrounded by thousands of innocent hotel guests in a confined building was safer than them working out of a stand-alone house.

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It is a very old custom to pay for the death you caused as compensation to the victim's family. It was called wergeld in Germany, and was basically a "blood price." If you are not going to get justice in the courts, money does assign culpability. Just ask Nicole Brown Simpson's family. It doesn't make things whole, but it is something.

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Thank you, Stephen. I am so sorry there keep being stories like this for you to write. [rest of non-comment sensibly retracted before I type it]

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There and Oregon are two states I will never visit (which sucks because I hear St Louis and Portland are great cities) because of the blatant racism.

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I know that DAs are usually looking for higher office and value wins, not justice. Evidence: they fight tooth and nail to prevent the overturning of convictions, even when the evidence is undeniable.

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So, theoretically, if I kick that commenter in the ball sack, we can say he "won some swelling"?

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