Maybe it's related to have a title or position of authority. Police, doctors ,politicians. Where do clerics fall?

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IDK, but the shooter was a police officer.

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Oh yes, this will bring out the shitferbrains. Guaranteed. Breitbart must have an app that looks for every instance of the word gun in the news so the can descend like twisted locusts to devour every cogent argument for background checks as a matter of course.

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Actually, we won. An ABC news special about poverty in America in 1964 generated all sorts of actions on the federal level that, by the late 70's, eliminated 90% of the poverty in America. Until St. Reagan got in and cut the shit out of everything, that is.

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http://massshootingtracker....Hey, if there are no more than 10 people shot in the US mass shootings that are still to come in the last 10 days of this year, then this will be the least lead filled month of the year!

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I have this memory of standing in the front yard yelling, War on Poverty. Must have been about 5 or 6? My parents were republicans, although not assholes, and I must have seen it on the news.

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I would say halved is undervalued. 1/3 the rate is more likely

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AOT, KObligatory

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You know, I don't actually remember if slavery was mentioned very often in those classes.

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If he'd had a gun, he would have shot himself before he shot himself.

Or something.

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So I posted something on Twitter about how if seeing the work of the White Helmets in Syria - trying to save the MUSLIM population being obliterated by terrorists- doesn't make you understand why we need to accept Syrian refugees, you need to search for your humanity.I got a response, from a fellow Canadian, no less, about how what I really need to do is #DenounceIslam. Her whole Twitter profile is dedicated to fighting Sharia law in Canada. Where it does. Not. Exist. In. Any. Form.

What do we do with people like this? Do we try to educate them? Point out that they are being made afraid for no reason? I almost deleted my account, I was so saddened.

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As the son of a suicide, I call 'bullshit' (and sorry). The friend of yours who put the gun in his mouth did so on his own free will. Is it a tragedy? yes, but the problem wasnt because of the clip, the death warrant was signed long before the delivery of bullets.

Suicide is a rough one and one time I left a girlfriend because I blamed her for my brother's suicide attempt (because she gave him his own drugs back), but I was as foolish then as you are now. Your ammo 'friend' is just another victim of this crime, not a culpable actor.

If you knew that suicide was this person's goal and you didnt go to be with them or do what you could to get them help, maybe those fingers you point at others might be more profitably pointed at yourself.

Have a great day!

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Not true (and you can pull up statistics on countries with a high suicide rate to convince yourself of that).

People dont really give a shit, so that is why suicidal behavior goes unnoticed until after someone is dead.

Have a great day!

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... can't tell - we still haven't been able to pry it from his cold, dead hands. Rigor mortis, I believe, is suspect here.

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... while I'm contemplating all the loss of talented people in 2016... I just happened to be listening to this when I read your non-comment. https://www.youtube.com/wat... - somehow, I think Sharon has the more optimistic take on 100 days.

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