Our housing is for old people, and they got tired of complaints on utility bills which is added to the rent. Mostly gas and electric, as the city determines the rates on trash, water and sewer.Anyways, soon, the gas and elec will be direct billing to us. Me, I donut care, it's what I've always had.I would like to get rid of cable. It is a big package for a good price, but I could live with the 6 on air channels for free.

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"We firmly believe in our model, but in order for it to be successful, the grid has to function properly and prices have to be set by market forces,"

I had an old uncle that was a real Mountain Man. Mined gold, wooden stove, chased bears away from his well. (He would say.) He said stuff like "If the dog hadn't stop to shit, he'da caught the rabbit." Probably fits here.

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But think of the money you'll save on nightlights!

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Like how Deepwater Horizon was graded tops on safety procedures just a couple hours before you-know-what.

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It was 2011, so ten years ago. Who can be expected to remember that far ba. . ......oh. Never mind.

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STILL a better love story than Twilight.

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I'm thinking more about the old Lewis Black bit: "If it weren't for my horse, I'd have never finished that year of college"

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Yup. I started as a Chem-E, but I can't memorize worth a damn, so Organic Chemistry kicked my ass (more than once). I switched to CS, but dropped out entirely when I was learning more as a software contractor than I was in class. (Fifteen years later, still at the same company, but as a senior software engineer.)

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Yeah, I prefer to get a bill, review it and then pay it.

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I think they boxed him on the interstate and ran him off the road.

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Tangentially related: Biden's America may be losing interest in the Middle East. If our electrical power and fuel come from sources other than oil, we may stop giving a damn either way. Bad news for the Palestinians, but also bad news for everyone else there, since there aren't too many good-faith honest players in that game.

The more complicated explanation concerns America’s interest in the Middle East and the country’s relative irrelevance to much that is happening in the region. The United States was unsuccessful in its halfhearted quest to contain Iranian expansion; it was missing in action in the Syrian civil war; it bet on wrong horses during the so-called Arab Spring; it has alienated the Saudis, let Russia take over Libya and did nothing of value to resolve the Palestinian issue. The list goes on.

This may - finally - be the beginning of the end of the hegemony of oil money. Goodbye Cheney, goodbye Bush family, goodbye New American Century Project warmongers (see my avatar) trying to own a client state and control Mideast oil. Fuck 'em if they can't take a joke.


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Ken Paxton is a crook.

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Engineer fist bump. I started as EE (too abstract) then switched to ME. I have a way better grasp on EE after being in the field for 15 years. I had the same problem with Chemistry as you.

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I hope he shit himself.

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Cable is the biggest rip-off in America. I cannot believe that people are forking over $100-$200 and more, every month, to get 90% dreck piped into their homes.

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So now the wingnuts think that a "lock her up" chant is a scary thing?

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