Hillary Rodham Clinton doesn't NEED to steal as everyone in the drumpf's family does...ivanka rips shoe designs......melania plagiarizes First Lady Michelle Obama; ...now we know melania is a lying, stealing dropout who doesn't have the degree that both she and dumbo the FAT claim... ...dumbo rips off old people by lying to them and has never paid taxes....but they keep saying this is either President Barack Obama's fault, or Future President Hillary Rodham Clinton's fault...too bad this drumpf family who steal everything they can, can't take responsibility for themselves, instead of attempting to foist stealing others intellectual property onto the Future President of the United States, Hillary Rodham Clinton, rather than to take responsibility for theft...and


...for me, I plan to Vote for Future President Hillary Rodham Clinton 2016, 2020


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Hillary Rodham Clinton doesn't NEED to steal as everyone in the drumpf's family does.

..ivanka rips shoe designs......melania plagiarizes First Lady Michelle Obama; ...now we know melania is a lying, stealing dropout who doesn't have the degree that both she and dumbo the FAT claim... ...dumbo rips off old people by lying to them and has never paid taxes....but they keep saying this is either President Barack Obama's fault, or Future President Hillary Rodham Clinton's fault...too bad this drumpf family who steal everything they can, can't take responsibility for themselves, instead of attempting to foist stealing others intellectual property onto the Future President of the United States, Hillary Rodham Clinton, rather than to take responsibility for theft...and


...for me, I plan to Vote for Future President Hillary Rodham Clinton 2016, 2020

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Jeez, I code for a living and never noticed the cent key had gone missing! You can still do the Alt-0162 thing.

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The oil slick on cardboard squares.

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So awesome. See, someone at your school cared, because they made decorative tuna/cheese items.

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Oh, we didn't NEED a new one every year. It was just something you bought at the start of the school year in the late 60's.

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I had a metal lunch box and brought my lunch to school when I was in 1st and 2nd grade. There was no cafeteria in my school; we ate lunch right in our classroom. Once I got to 3rd grade I was old enough to walk home for lunch and back. Most of us walked home and back at lunchtime each day throughout the entire school year, regardless of the weather. (Also at the beginning and end of the day.)

The high schools that I attended all had cafeterias and typical in-school lunch periods, but I stopped going down to the caf and started skipping lunch pretty soon after I entered HS. I didn't particularly care for spending an hour in the caf nor was I even hungry at that time of the day so I either went to the library and read or hung out with friends on the school steps until it was time for my next class.

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I always thought that Steve really meant to say "pompousness" but had messed up the lyric during that particular run-through, but since he liked how the rest of the take sounded he decided to just leave the flub in rather than record another one. "Pompatus" never meant anything because it was a mistake, a fumbled lyric.

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Reagan-era Republicans were every bit as loony, just in a different way. Instead of the Tea Party, they had Falwell and Robertson and the Moral Majority. I don't miss the sanctimony of the Ed Meese Justice Dept., the incessant logic-free hectoring of Bill Bennett, the unvarnished arrogance and disdain of James Watt or the phony self-serving piety of Oliver North et. al.

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Straight from the collective farms of Castro's Cuba.

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Has anyone ever seen Paul Ryan and Eddie Munster together in the same room at the same time? I think not. Wake up, sheeple!

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Republicans reuse plagiarized stories for their speeches.

When it comes to political thought, conservatives are big proponents of "reduce-reuse-recycle."

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Weight maintenance has not been a problem for me. As I indicated, I did have lunch at home every day for the first eight years of school, but after that, and after we moved to a new city, it kinda just stopped being a thing in my family. There were things going on which I won't go into that probably at least partially explain this. It wasn't anything that I missed though. I never even thought about eating during the course of the day. I had plenty of other stuff on my mind back then.

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Is Paul Ryan now Pro-Choice?

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When will they open their eyes and see the transparency sheets and overhead projectors?

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And when they grow up, they'll turn into <a href="http:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-2538687\/Swiss-Cheese-Pervert-terrorizing-Philadelphia.html" target="_blank">this man</a>.

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