Clearly, CAPTCHA codes aren't doing the job. Then again, if there was an effective IQ filter, there would be no wingnut sites like BrightFart.
You wouldn't hire Biden because you can't afford him. You can't afford Holder of Obama either, but you wouldn't hire them because they're black.
there are many many ways to criticize the obama administration if you're so inclined.
saying bamz is stupid is not one of them.
Oh, sure ... stick him with the big number, why dontcha?
So, you got your trolls, and you got your orcs ... and you got your teabaggers. Tolkien never imagined teabaggers.
Clearly, CAPTCHA codes aren't doing the job. Then again, if there was an effective IQ filter, there would be no wingnut sites like BrightFart.
You wouldn't hire Biden because you can't afford him. You can't afford Holder of Obama either, but you wouldn't hire them because they're black.
Biden proves that there is no need for the Violence Against Women Act; just call the police. You gotta learn to think like a Breitbart.
<blockquote>Can someone please explain to me what it means to &quot;defend her softball glove&quot;?</blockquote>
I&#039;m pretty sure it means &quot;DERP!&quot;
Well, they made you do it.