Much more rambunctious than those domesticated turtles

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Still, I would not be surprised if it were actually legal for them to just kill him

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It's all about scaring the public for votes. I really wish they would actually do their jobs, or at least learn to read.

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You're rubber, I'm... oh, wait, I guess <i>I'm</i> rubber.

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not crazy. (and gary i LOVE your writing).

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there is no way there are 9 worse states.

is there?

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It's tragic watching someone who doesn't believe in government try to use it properly. Entertaining, but tragic.

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Eyes, not teeth. Dentistry is Orly's gig.

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This whole NSA hubbub is a White man schadenfreude. Where is the outrage that you can be subject to warrantless searches on the street if you happen to be Black or Hispanic? It only mattered when the worry arises about what fucked up shit "non-profiled" people think they have said or emailed since October, 2001.

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The first, last, and only thing you need to know about the man.

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