Grind spices by hand? Such a balabusta! !חג שמח

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He and his oligarch friends will just buy fux noise from their bud Murdoch

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Ok, I'll say it. Nixon libelz.

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Hirsute palms yet?

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The House Dems aren't going to put up with this, right? I mean, again.

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That too me is the kernel of it.

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Who needs the first snowball when you have the whole avalanche?

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Ambassadors pretty much are expected to have money. It's a paid to play position. So, I can't imagine that his having business interests is too far off usual practice.

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"I can't recall."

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“Context, motherfuckers. Do you speak it?”

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Spawn spawn spawn spawn eggs bacon and spawn

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With a name like Gordon Sondland he should be fronting an English post-punk worldbeat band, not looking at 5'll get ya 10 for conspiracy and obstruction. Fawk.

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"It was a quid pro quo, but not a corrupt one."


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Not necessarily true. Typically, less that one-third are political appointees, while the bulk are career foreign service officers. Usually even the political appointees have considerable knowledge of the country they will serve in (e.g., Michael McFaul was a political appointee as Ambassador to Russia). Trump has inverted the normal ratio to reward loyalists and grifters as a part of the destruction of the State Department.

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so it's only fair that they should only have to jump two feet . . . .

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Every Trump scandal follows the same script https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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