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There is nothing more perfect than "Keep your government hands off my Medicare".

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McDaniel is more obvious about it, but basically, yes.

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I doubt they'd ever get around to the "Wait..." part.

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Gee, they sound like "takers". (That's irony, innit?)

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Might catch on.

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Aside from the separate lines for Dems and Rethugs, the ballots are entirely secret.

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You got faked out by the "Jon" Oliver satire page.

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I believe part of the reason for his agita is that, no, he can't run as a third party candidate.

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This is the bitty beardie fuckwad, right?

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<i>97 percent of votes known to have been cast by black people because that's the percentage that votes Democrat? Can you fucking imagine if that was how the system worked? </i>

I highly suspect that this is Reince Preibus' worst nightmare; as soon as the GOP actually, magically get the browns to vote for them, the WRNJ in the party (oh hell, all of them) won't like the results and then will do everything in their power to invalidate the results. Bobby Jindal, Herman Cain, even Ted Cruz (sounds like one of them there anchor babbies to me, Ma!) don't have an icecubes chance in hell of ever getting the GOP nomination for Prez. They only trot them out for the optics. They just can't help themselves, poor dears.</i></i>

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obviously time for the Chewbacca defense

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Well that's all they had left to rely on as Karl StillwaitingonthoseelectionresultsinOhio Rove's Ouija board is obviously broken...

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This is the Chewbacca complaint, so it would make tactical sense.

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Bush v Gore would totally favor Cochran anyway, because it was about shutting down the recount because nuh uh they couldn't possibly have gotten it wrong and why are you hurting that nice white establishment conservative man?

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