I'd say they're already overrepresented. Why Louie Gohmert and Steve King alone...

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Darrell Issa: A Pussy Even Trump Wouldn't Grab

Hmmmm...On second thought. A Pussy Worthy of Being Grabbed by Trump


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Oh Darryl, do you really think you are going to get thru this without a complete rehashing of your odious criminal past? You brought character into play asshole. I'm thinking Applegate's lawyers are gonna have a ball during the discovery phase of this civil suit.

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True that. Like the kid who farts and is always the first to yell, "Ewwww! Who farted?"Trump made that Opposite Day rule his path to victory.

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Seems like claiming $10 Million in damages from a campaign ad belies the claim that he's not lining his own pockets.

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"Is this true?""Yes. This man has no dick."

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Me too? I felafel.

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They could argue they're just representing the people who vote for them.

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That no Democratic candidate has ever sued his opponent for fraudulent claims made in campaign ads speaks volumes as to which party has the biggest balls, or, cojones, if one wishes to use terms no Republican could grasp.

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it's a giant time waster. Ryan and his minions should be the focus of Dems protecting SS and medicare. Treat Trump as if he isn't a factor. The worst that will happen is he will be a puppet for Ryan (he gonna be that anyway). The best case scenario is he decides to cock block Ryan to get attention and be a 'hero' to the Trumpkins. The Wall Street goons will get pissed off if they don't get to raid entitlements and pensions for their Ponzi scheme and then we get a full on war between the Freedum Caucus and Team idjit. Really, Trump makes no difference. The Dems need to be paying attention to the men behind the curtain. Idjit is going to get tired of the victory tour as soon as he is reminded in every city he visits that more people wanted Hillary. (hey Jill, you want to grift your supporters some more, how about a giant billboard at every airport in American emblazoned with the popular vote count? and MORE VOTERS WANTED HILLARY). When he is bored or not getting attention is when he gets dangerous. From this point forward he is far more likely to hurt the GOP than the Democrats. I say let him.

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Correction. He's a sore winner, which is even worse. Even if he did file the lawsuit before the election, he could withdraw it now that he's won.

Interestingly, the fact that he won could be used as an argument against him in the libel case.

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Pretty sure obloquy doesn't roll. It's the wrong shape.

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The only thing criminal in this case is Darrel Isis' hair. Holy crap what a mess.

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