"Faulkner told the court it was "in the top five of the worst of the worst that I've ever had to examine."
Imagine having to do that as a profession. I couldn't. I would be looking to make someone pay after about 5 minutes, with a blowtorch and a pair of pliers. It would be time to go medieval.
Do people think sending the wife a message would really dissuade him (or any user of that service) from doing it? I mean, for this brand of Christianist wives "unquestioning obedience" is right there in the job description. Even if she were getting a message whenever he looked at porn, would she really be able to do anything about it?
I guess I can understand bailing out. Innocent until proven guilty and whatnot. But, access to young children, based on the supervision of only his wife? No court appointed person who isn’t personally involved with the guy, and potentially part of covering up his pedophilia??? Is the judge a personal friend? Are they members of the same church? The fuck.
Sprog abuse by scumbag shouldn't rate bail.
Something something lucky not to be in jail something commenting rules something 'shorteyes' something something
So evangelicals good at using computer to watch porn, bad at programming computer to not watch porn. Why?
"Faulkner told the court it was "in the top five of the worst of the worst that I've ever had to examine."
Imagine having to do that as a profession. I couldn't. I would be looking to make someone pay after about 5 minutes, with a blowtorch and a pair of pliers. It would be time to go medieval.
When the DEA showed up at my house
“That Coke in my trunk belongs to the hitchhiker “
Dealt with these for years, you just do your job. You’re not the executioner or The Right Hand of God.
If I were a family member and managed to get a little alone time with them it might be different
Because Satan
Agent: "The dead hitchhiker, that hitchhiker?"
Do people think sending the wife a message would really dissuade him (or any user of that service) from doing it? I mean, for this brand of Christianist wives "unquestioning obedience" is right there in the job description. Even if she were getting a message whenever he looked at porn, would she really be able to do anything about it?
The problem *is that* the family members wouldn't feel the same way you do.
“No. Not that one. The one tied up in the basement. I did a citizen’s arrest when I found the coke, and was just fixing to call you guys.”
It is, after all, part of her duty as a woman to suffer men's behavior.
Probably the fault of women.
I guess I can understand bailing out. Innocent until proven guilty and whatnot. But, access to young children, based on the supervision of only his wife? No court appointed person who isn’t personally involved with the guy, and potentially part of covering up his pedophilia??? Is the judge a personal friend? Are they members of the same church? The fuck.
“He was dead when I picked him up “
Besides praying?