That's for little people like you and I. None of these people will suffer any consequences and the next GOP shitbag who steals the Presidency will pardon them. Probably the rioters too.

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Meh. The pardon train will be coming down the line when the GOP steals the presidency again, They will lie and stall until then.

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I for one am champing at the bit, eager to see exactly what's been covered up.Will poor Mr Garland ever have time to do anything but root out R malfeasance?

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Rule of Law Nation my ass

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Primary them from the right. No matter how abjectly they kowtow to Dumb Donald, there's always someone worse eager to get in on the scam.

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A couple of weeks in the county lockup for contempt might bring one or two of them around.

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Depressing, innit?

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The Commies pulled a lot of shit, but I don't recall them trying to interfere with an actual US election.

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Hot dogs and balloons for the kiddies!

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'... which will continue until even after some assholes get locked up.'


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'SLANKET!' The Blanket for SLUTS!'

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Can they hold him in contempt? WE certainly do.

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Rope-a-dope, also.

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It's a guild.

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For good reason!

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That's a new one to me - so I looked it up!

"This is Preservation Month. I appreciate preservation. It's what you do when you run for president. You gotta preserve." - George W. Bush, speaking during "Perseverance Month" at Fairgrounds Elementary School in Nashua, NH, Jan. 28, 2000.

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