Joe Biggs is doing the American people a great service selling these t-shirts. If I see someone wearing one, I'll know they're a self-centered piece of shit before I even make eye contact, much less try to speak with them.

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Oh. Much shock. Very edgy. Is there anything more tiresome and puerile than someone deliberately trying to shock? What are they, eleven?

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whatever else the bible is, it's a book. and books is fer libruls.

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Gosh, golly, gee. As a rock-ribbed liberal I was sooooooooooo outraged by these t-shirts I nearly blew the beverage in my mouth all over the monitor in laughter at the egregious stupidity displayed thereon.

“With Every Purchase, a Social Justice Warrior Cries” Yeah, uh-huh. More like, "With every purchase, a dumbshit wasted money on a moranic shirt."

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Yeah, as social justice warrior libtard gay agenda enforcing guy in skinny jeans, I giggled helplessly through the entire article. Anyone wanna help me steal one of the LGBT t-shirts? They made me laugh the most.

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Ha ha, no one is triggered by this :) I have a couple of Alice Cooper t-shirts myself, as long as some lovely Manson (Marilyn, not Charles) that I suppose some Christians would find offensive. I also have a "I always do what the voices tell me" one, as well as a couple of other similar ones. My favourite at the moment is a burger with "but food though..." My partner tends towards the parody pokemon t-shirts based on popular consumer logos (starbucks etc)

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Always love it when homophobes invoke cowboys to try and be manly - yeees, because us gay men are so HORRIFIED by a man in chaps and a cowboy hat...

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This desperate call for attention is not the least bit witty.

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Did he design it so the "tits" are filled out by the wearer's own man boob?

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And little pink pigs are usually cute so they really don't get how that works at all.

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Try a BLT with a fried egg on it.It's right tasty.

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If it doesn't, then I don't want to live in this country anymore.

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When you have people who think irony refers to things made of iron, this is what you get. That and the fact they don't get it. Conservative = clueless.

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Perhaps 'Butthead' would be more appropriate.

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As spoken by the one and only...


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I'd like a one that says "Real men don't wear dumbass t-shirts" except I live in Japan and 1) nobody would get it and 2) the country abounds in goofy clothing.


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