Muslin. Seek. They both wear towels on their heads. Let God sort 'em out!

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With a semi-automatic keyboard, you can fire off quite a few more. Depends what state you live in.

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"...felony ethnic intimidation..." is that what the slave owners to African Americans, the English did to the Welsh, Irish (well everyone) and the Dutch did and French did and Afrikaners did...

In other words, the latest in a stellar tradition of jackhole-ry

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Lizard brain libel!

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they resorted to blaming Clinton for the media not being trusted because she isn't popular enough. they replayed every neocon CDS talking point and whinged that she wasn't sparkling and brand new enough for them. these assholes still can't own up to the damage that they have done and that they are responsible for the anti-government hatred among Trump supporters because they have been foisting both siderism and false equivalencies on us for the last 30 years.

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What is this nation coming to when you can't even come upon a stranger in the dark and accuse them of wanting to rape someone and they won't even stand and engage you in further conversation? Obviously, the other guy was guilty or he wouldn't've wanted to get away from Tavella. Tavella had no choice but to threaten him further!

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Wasn't Trump supposed to pay his fees?

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Well I didn't have my circumcision till I was 45 so 'first' is hardly fitting...

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Now that right there is funny!

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Honestly, I can't tell who's worse here, the defendant or his lawyer.

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"Maybe after he gets to replace the current Supreme Court with the editorial staff of Breitbart, but not yet."

Shit. Early voting is underway here in Illinois(I think), guess I better go do it before Trump tells them to beat up people who vote for Clinton.

Update: printed out a sample ballot. Since it's Illinois there are about 3 races that have a republican in them. I checked both because I may be a wide eyed liberal commie, but Illinois has some seriously fucking corrupt politicians. Luckily I don't have to vote for any of them. It looks pretty cut and dry. Gonna check out the propositions(definitely voting for the school tax, I work there), and then I will be voting on Tuesday. Woohoo! Civic duty! Plus I get to complain, and there's nothing you can say! Unless Hillary wins and then reveals herself as a Lizard Jew Lesbian Overlord! Then you can blame me.

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You'll accept dollars? In the (hopefully impossible) event that Trump wins, dollars would be the last currency I'd accept.

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I guess we now have a new Twinkie defense. The Donnie Defense?

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They won't be plundering, too much work.

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I which it would happen to me so I [redacted]!!!!!

I love their energy though, the best, believe me.

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Why would they settle for Trump when Gary Johnson is available?

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