That troll picked it up because people keep blaming the Parliamentarian instead of acknowledging that the votes aren't there.

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Even if you think she did something wrong (I don't) if the minimum wage was in the bill then Manchin and Sinema would vote no. The votes are the issue not the parliamentarian. (A position that half the people screaming about didn't even know existed until a few days ago.)

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I wonder if people will ever be able to admit that Bernie sucks at his job.

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So the orange turd that just left never had to follow ANY rules, broke more laws and rules and ethic codes that anyone ever, never was told no, never will be told no, never had to pay the price for any of that and yet now...now the parlimentarian tells the Dems they MUST play by the rules? Because you all know that any of the bills passed by the R's during the orange mussolini's reign never passed the sniff test...

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IMO that's why a stand alone minimum wage bill is the most effective strategy right now

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We're done

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Bernie ALSO put the holds on Obama's USPS Board of Governors nominees, leaving the board empty so Trump could install his cronies. Good job Bernie: Trump wouldn't have been able to destroy the USPS if it weren't for you.


Bernie destroys everything he touches. I've been saying that a lot recently, but the evidence keeps mounting.

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Would Manchin & Sinema vote down the whole package just to nix min wage? I can well imagine them not supporting a standalone bill but that just seems really excessive.

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George Clinton is a local dude.

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Anyone who believes that 49 < 100/2 is dog poopy. Who hates workers and progress! Booo! Down with Natural Numbers! They are the enemy of progress!

You are ridiculous.

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Because you are completely full of toxic shit that hurts everything you claim you support.

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If legislation supported by a huge majority of the American people is prevented from passing by a group of Congress people representing a minority of the American people, explain to me how we are experiencing self-governance.

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Just WHO is this senate parliamentarian?

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Biden is an institutionist and wants to preserve the traditions of the Senate. That’s in his DNA. But what if Kamala Harris goes rogue and decides to overrule the parliamentarian anyway?

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It’s more like he’s got two years. If Biden doesn’t show real progress before the midterms, the left will decide to “teach the democrats a lesson” and stay home, thus handing Congress back to the GOP.


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I don't know. That's what it means to whip votes. If push came to shove probably not but that's the problem with having such a narrow majority. Right now the most powerful people in the Senate are Manchin, Sinema, Murkowski, and Romney.

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