I'm sticking with Chubya

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lol nicely done

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Ah yes, another Bush whose claims of being influential amount to "My dad takes my calls. He doesn't want to, but he does."

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It was all those surplus arms from the Imperial Stormtroopers.

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Math prof in college was. Other than occasionally thtrowing chalk at students when angry, he was pretty chill.

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The trick is getting the Bush to light without consuming itself. But if you can't get it, try, try again.

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He said that we have always been at war with Uzbekibekistanstan. What a maroon!

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...And it's actually a museum these days, so shooting the docent was uncalled for

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What, you worried?

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Understatement of the year: "the French do bread pretty well."

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Missed it byyyy that much, chief.

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Also too, this might become a huge stain for Jeb's! campaign because Israeli's hate Ethopian Jews for being blah people. It's a well proven fact and Jeb's! bringing this up will alienate him with many Jews who hate blah people, but probably not as much as they hate Arabs. His team ought to be kicking themselves by now.




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Uzbekibekistanstan her? I never even met her!

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2. Those who talk are right once a day?

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Jeb also played an important role in the escape of the von Trapp family. Hearing about their plight from the Julie Andrews movie, he telephoned his friend Bill O'Reilly who guided them through the Alps to freedom, all the time singing the Horst Wessel song to confuse the Nazi border partrol. It's all in Billo's new book, "Killing My Favorite Things."

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