If you're referring to Kansas City style BBQ, most of KC is actually in Missouri.

In any case, even the most regressive societies can have great food, 'cause the rich gotta eat too.

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Efficiency is everything these days. (You wouldn't believe my heating bills.)

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It's called separation of church and state.

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Roe v. Wade was just decided in 1973 and nobody in Kansas has heard about it yet, because they get their News delivered by Fucking Unicorn Express...

And they're like...busy doing unicorn things and stuff.http://media.giphy.com/medi...

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Don't worry, Kansans. Governor Brownback has a full proof plan to deal with the half a million dollars defending this law will cost the state.

He's going to blame it on Obama.

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At this point I think most of Kansas' revenue comes in by arresting stoners who cross the Colorado/Kansas state line.

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Look, my little chick and I were smart enough to check into the Motel 6 under assumed names and Jonathon was busy 'photographing' Aaron. So short of any proof to the contrary, I'm sticking with "chicken is a nice sweet meat."

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It seems those chemtrails are having the opposite of the desired effect.Thanks, Obama!

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Who is absolutely THE WORST Republican governor in U.S. America? Oh all of β€˜em, Katie? Correct! But Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback is trying super hard to be even more THE WORST than all the others combined.

Ball's in your court Piyush.

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Better Call Saul!

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This is the kind of asshole logic that only real conservatives can dream up: they want to cut or (wingnut orgasm!) abolish welfare which is used by of course economically at-risk people below the poverty line and they also want to slow down or (wingnut orgasm!) outlaw abortion which is most often used by economically at-risk single/married women thereby guaranteeing more starving children. My only conclusion is wingnut policies are all created by Montgomery Burns from the Simpsons...oh and they can go fuck themselves! (shit, I need to get back on my meds to control those)

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Again with the penis! What is it with you girls?

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He is insane. Srsly.

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Did he visit the city of Lawrence? How did Gov Brownback feel when he read the sign "Entering Lawrence"? I guess with a name like Brownback, we already know the answer.

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There was a whole book written about this very topic.

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except for that pesky re-election.

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