...when your hood fits your head perfectly. ... when you use SPF-50, and it's not sunburn you're worried about.

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Long, long ago, when I was living in the Bay Area, it snowed in San Francisco. Just an inch or two, but in a city that's somewhat lacking in salters and sanders - and well-endowed with steep streets - it was havoc. If climate change ever brings them an ice storm . . . well, YouTube will be hard-pressed to keep up.

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A good hard freeze might even take down the <a href="http:\/\/www.theverge.com\/2013\/12\/8\/5189078\/billions-of-crazy-ants-threaten-to-overrun-the-southern-us" target="_blank">crazy ants. </a> (Sorry about the oranges.)

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The early onset of winter weather this year was greeted with much rejoicing in my area. People travel here for vacations at this time of the year <i>because</i> we have ice and snow. Having sustained cold weather and copious accumulations of frozen precipitation are very important for our economy. A significant portion of the annual incomes of folks here is contingent on having several months of sustained cold weather and frequent precip to augment and sustain the snow pack. Mild weather at this time of year spells economic hardship, so we welcome all of the wintry weather that we can get.

I have been in Florida at this time of year and during Christmas. What a sad and dreary place! I found out that just because the climate was mild there it didn't mean that anything was green or in bloom. Or that the weather would be sunny all that often.

My sister lived in South Florida for 20 years. She moved back up here several years ago in early April, and she was ecstatic when it snowed during her first week here. It was something that she had sorely missed during her stint in the Sunshine State.

We think that the Florida tourism commercials that we get are funny as hell. We really enjoy poking fun at them.

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Bibi Netanyahu?

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If only they'd do both . . . and in the proper order.

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Well, duh, Bulger.

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Today, we are all Nelson Mandela. (Except for anyone who actually calls themselves Nelson Mandela, because they're all dimwitted white wingnuts who wouldn't know "persecution" if it bit them on the ass.)

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There's a platypus controlling me...

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The Derpmonic Convergence. I think it was the first rally to ever have negative attendees.

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More likely Devo.

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<em>then you are obviously trying to murder whitey too</em>

To be fair, whitey is kind of a dick...

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Klayman is exactly like Mandela, Winnie.

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You know who else was persecuted by the women and the Jews?

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