Oh, for fucks sake, it turns out YOU already said it.

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Wait, you can actually make a joke? Life is full of surprises.

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Of course we can. Or, over pretty nearly anything.

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There are some genuinely awful people in the world. It's just my opinion, but I don't think you were better off not knowing. Happier, maybe. But I'm a persistent believer that knowledge, however unpleasant, is better than ignorance.

Now, as to whether the internet is a good idea, I'd have to say it's still up in the air.

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I'm running way behind on Wonkette because I drove over to San Jose on Wednesday to see (and hug) my kids. Your advice is excellent.

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So white, at the border they just laugh and wave you through when you reach for your passport. So white, you confidently, and, without fear, reach for your glovebox when pulled over by the cop.

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So white, I have walked up to a cop and complained about his behavior. In a stern tone. Without Fear.

OK, with a little fear, but still....

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Is this where Bruce Willis comes in and shoots down a helicopter with a car? Cuz that scene was pretty cool. This scene, not cool at all.

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Smells more like <i>pizz</i> to me. This is probably why I avoids teh ladeeez.

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Actually, I could locate Chechnya (but not Dagestan) on a map -- particularly if you spot me Grozny -- but I wouldn't claim even basic comprehension, much less expertise. As best I understand it, the Chechen [freedom fighters / terrorists] have spent the last two decades in a [struggle for self-determination / terrorist campaign] against Russian [sadistic oppressors / patriotic peacekeepers].

Leaving the mad-libs for a moment, it does seem to be true that both Chechens and Russians have committed some pretty atrocious acts against civilians.

That's all I know.

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I'm not sure we had a lot of choice about "letting" Putin invade Chechnya. Geography is a bitch.

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We've always been at war with Caucasia.

(And I think somebody may have said that already; if so, apologies).

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Iran, obvs.

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My sons are 21 and 23. Fuck. Just fuck.

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In fifteen minutes.

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I'll try to help you establish this meme, but I'm a little afraid it's so obviously stupid that the point will fly by most folks.

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