Unfortunately, your first sentence still has to happen.

If we aren't better than they, what is our justification?

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And don't get me started on Agent Smith.

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Forget it Chill, it's SC-town.

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This makes me wish I had better photoshop skills. Or more patience.

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Wait. I thought it was me that was drunk.

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Palmetto Bugs, isn'a?

EDIT: No. Gamy Cocks, yes?

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It's a test.

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I'll give him some points for leading with "her parents' dress shop in Bamberg", but in my opinion "wherever the hell she came from" translates as "go back to where you came from", and would be racist immigrant-bashing if spoken by a Republican, and is still racist immigrant-bashing when spoken by a Democrat.

It sounds like it may have been unintentional, but unfortunately that doesn't matter when you are in a publicly visible position. It sucks that the Republicans are allowed to have a double standard, but unless we want to become them, we can't.

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He has the Oafish Gene instead. It predisposes him to speaking in tongues and Kardashians disease.

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the Galactic Confederacy has never been the same since Sauron took over

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Do you know what his wife's name is???

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depends, what's your sister look like?

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more like Queefqueg

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thought those were the Northern Carolinians...

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Alvin Greene is probably available.

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I do know that the Harpoots make a pretty good IPA

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