I am shocked to learn that conservative hacks have a place in such academic exemplars as Clemson and Auburn.

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Sure, but Clemson also has some of the finest academic minds...in South Carolina.

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"There never really was a man from Nantucket"

I think you may be wrong here because I know for a fact that his shwantz was so long he could suck it. Although, it was a very sad story that did not end well for the man, because of where he decided to tuck it and of course what the police later found in the bucket.

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This is a trick answer, right?

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My god.

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"Woodard said he was trying to prove that race has no bearing on whether whites vote for political candidates."

A poll designed to prove a pre-conceived (and profoundly wrong) conclusion? What could possibly go wrong?

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"“The people of West Virginia spoke with a sure and strong voice that they desire a different direction for our state.”

And then the candidate they elected switched parties. Problem solved, GOP-style.

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Well, this guy got arrested, so there is a difference.

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Some of America's most brilliant leaders, guided by Woodard's rigorous, highly scientific data. Or not.

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I miss Pryor. We needed him around to cut thru the ludicrous BS that the wingnuts have been throwing at Bams because of Preznitting while Blah. I can only imagine and fall short of how amazing he would have been with this material to work with.

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<i>"Dok Zoom is ... a rhetoric/composition PhD"</i>

I assume they made you write your own diploma. Then graded it.

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I was in Wal-mart (hangs head in shame) and noticed bags of cotton balls on the shelf. So I picked one up. I'm a cotton picker! And I have the selfie to prove it.

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That's some mighty fine research ya done there Nixon_So_Fine.

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Stating that you conducted your "survey" in order to prove a contentious political point kind of undermines its validity, no? Or even reveals it as nothing more than a polemical tool? Because bias, cherry-picking, begging the question, etc. IOW, this survey's results are worth less than the pixels used to display them.

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Teatards will gladly look beyond race if a candidate is derpy enough. But if not, they reserve the right to pass around photoshops of said candidate/elected official as a witch doctor and watermelon joke. It's not racist because something.

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