<i>“You’ve heard me say many times I wear heels. It’s not for a fashion statement,” she said. “It’s because we’re kicking them every day, and we’ll continue to kick them.”</i>

I figured she wore heels to accentuate her buttocks and compel her to walk only with tiny little girly steps, as God intended when he had Jebus invent them. I'm glad that she has clarified that the actual purpose is to inflict deep, penetrating wounds on anyone who comes within reach of her flailing legs while she's laying on her back, which is about the only posture from which one can effectively strike with a high-heel given the fact that it's impossible to balance on one heeled foot while doing a thrust-kick with the other.

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We've created a generation where people feel entitled to have the government take care of them, with the handouts and the job creators and the...keep your damn government hands off my right to work! Something something point guards have to box out upstream of the dead fish in the union shops.


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Porn stars also keep their high heels on during sex. I'm sure that's not at all relevant.

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If I was in South Carolina, I wouldn't take the water either. Best to bring bottled.

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<i>"there are Works Councils in all 106 VW plants worldwide, except one. Tennessee."</i>

Cain't get no more excepshunul than thayut.

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Their next plant should be in Detroit . . . and they should make it clear why.

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British idiom: Kicking (one's) heels - doing nothing.

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That's who she's kicking: Americans who need jobs. Just another GOP shitweasel, working for that corporate money. How long before their base wises up?

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If one were in need of a replacement organ, it might not be a bad idea to hang around the nearest S.C. hospital with a trauma unit. <a href="http:\/\/www.carolinalive.com\/news\/story.aspx\?id=904009#.UwZZJl5H3eo" target="_blank">Preferably in an area where the donorcycle riders are plentiful.</a>

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Hey, you gotta have <i>something</i> to blame Obama for. Unemployment is a good thing, if you're a Republican.

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So why do these idiots keep getting elected? Saying "Take your union jobs elsewhere." out of one side of their mouths and "why aren't the lazy welfare people working ?" out of the other. Is EVERYONE in South Carolina supposed to work at Dollar General ?

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"The heels are on, the gloves are off." --Former half-term governor.

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I thought those rumors were just rumors.

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<i>“You’ve heard me say many times I wear heels. ... It’s because we’re kicking them every day, and we’ll continue to kick them.”</i>

WTF? You kick with the toe, not the heel. This woman knows nothing about kicking.

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Jobs? We don't need no stinkin' jobs!

Oh, and you welfare queens? Get a job!

GOP logic.

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Because: FREEDOM...?

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