They know the flag is still there because he's molesting it, just grabbing it by the fringe, like our electorate.

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Unfortunately, that doesn't mean it won't work.

It's a shame that nothing's being done about things like that, but rest assured that the Senate is up to important stuff. The most important stuff.

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The whole state gov't of LA as well. For weeks now.

Ransomware.How much is LA's "intelligence" and data worth? (spoiler: they're not paying the ransom)

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and because it is a rational bill, the republicans will freak out, spaz out and throw a massive tanty… cos they want to punish people, not help them. Also too, just wait for the nut jobs who will claim that this bill will encourage wimminz to falsely accuse rape to get a 'free ride'

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Like you expect accountability, that being said, great ideas.

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Yeah, Republican mostly old white xtian cishet menz but also the young ones and all the women, POC, "log cabin" LGPTers and non-xtians who are trying to align themselves with the ones they perceive to be in power. They're willing to throw the rest of us under the bus in order to assure that they have a warm place by the hearth at the feet of their masters and get tossed a few crumbs from the table in order not to suffer the same cold, hungry fate as the rest of us.

Fuck them for their betrayal. And they're just whistling in the dark if they don't think they're gonna go straight under it, too, as soon as they step out of line.

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It was many years before they said anything at all about adoption. They only said abortion is a sin and a crime. It was the other side who pointed out their utter indifference to the infants, and the ages old resentment among purtiannical Chritians that 'someone's enjoying themselves somewhere.'

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Again, I understand the plan, and also sentiment behind this proposal, and I also know it's not going to become law.

That said, I'm seriously opposed to the inhumane idea that the government can force a raped child to carry her rapist's spawn to term, and take care of that child until it is 18 by paying her the amount of compensation that the government decides is adequate.

We should be fighting to get the government to go screw itself. We shouldn't be fighting to get the government to pay us a couple of Dollars if it wants to screw us against our will.

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Kudos to Sen. McLeoud for this bill though, while forced birth is evil, if the evil ones want to push forward with it anyway, slap them with some accountability.

Trumpians have, for decades, been all about trying to force women to give birth even if it's against their will, but they have been COMPLETELY silent about taking any sort of responsibility for their act of forcing these women to give birth.

I wrote before that they should be providing services, baby care funds, school funds etc.

But they never did because hey, not their responsibility, their ONLY responsibility is to force women to give birth.

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But by then haven't they been intimidated or just scolded out of it most of the time? Have they got the money or the time? Won't it ruin them?

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"How can you trust us with a baby, if you can't trust us with a CHOICE?" That used to be a bumper sticker.(The answer is 'who says we care about a baby?')

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No. Basically, the kids report the assault to a college staff—maybe Res Hall or Student Life dean. The U can do an investigation even if the student doesn’t report it to law enforcement. No scolding, no lawyers. I’m a prof. If a student reports an assault to me, I have to notify my boss and the EEOC office, while encouraging the student to speak to a confidential party like a counselor. If any scolding or intimidating occurs, those people can be out of a job.

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This seems like an appropriate place to put this... Is it OK? It's just a 5 minute or so video on U.S. medical costs. https://www.digg.com/2019/b...

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All forgiving god "forgets" to forgive.

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Well if it happened to me I'd go to a professor ahead of an administrator, for sure. thx.

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