I'm not too sure, but I do know one former Trotskyite who became an accountant.

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...in his deputy uniform.

from the link: <i>Moore...confirmed that his time with the KKK coincided with his years as an Anderson County deputy. </i>

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Indeed. Remember the Republican "Young Guns" group that included Eric Cantor at the fresh-faced age of 49?

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And yet every classic rock station plays "Tom Sawyer" about twice a day. Indeed I feel haunted.

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<i> a club for stupid ignorant rednecks to bitch about why their lives suck, and blame it on someone else.</i> We have a video in the college library on hate groups, narrated by a former member, and that is almost exactly how he describes them.

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I felt the same way upon hearing a bluegrass cover of <a href="http:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch\?v=79rxrMsl2JQ" target="_blank"> "Dark Side of the Moon"</a>. Later I learned that no piece of music is immune to a bluegrass cover.

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In American South, Cross Burning comes to you!

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Probably doughnuts that didn't get finished at the po-liece station.

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I was on an extended Caribbean jaunt around 1980 (details are fuzzy) and there was a Calypso song on the radio we always enjoyed. "Give Me Back Me Shah."

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Your dad is a wise man.

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Back in the Reagan days there were some great bumbersnickers.

"What's black, flat, and glows in the dark? Iran after Reagan is elected."


"Let's play Cowboys and Iranians."

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It appears that Mormonism, like life insurance, isn't bought. It's sold.

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I went to an anti-Khomeni rally when I was a freshman in college (still have the t-shirt but it doesn't fit anymore). That's about the same thing, right?

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If he had been a woman he would have been too busy shopping for a binder.

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The standard is definitely way different. Went to rallies for a group that was dedicated to keeping black in their place? Meh. Sat on a committee that included Bill Ayers? TREASONOUS BASTARD!!!

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Also "adulterous affair ". See: Hyde, Henry.

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