Don't try to changify the subject ya Cruz synthesizer! We're ontaya like Qbins ona raft!

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Fuck! Now don't start inviting the southern militia contingent! Then we'll never get rid of alla them a-holes!

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You shu wook an awful wot wike a commentah, hehehehehehehhe!

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I'm just a fox who wandered into the wrong cartoon.

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I'm still on the "yeggs in one basket" idea. Get them all gathered and close the area. Some sacrifices will have to be made, but only until the last one eats the next-to-last one.

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The problem with those home prices is that when they say "average" and then you go to buy something for the "average" price, you can't find anything decent. That's about the same average for a house in my area too, though, so it's not outrageous.

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Nice to hear. Glad I could be of persuasive help.

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My plan is to travel the country and find a new place. Salem, Oregon is now considered! I'm on a quest. :-)

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Yoiks And Away!

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Hi O, Silver!!!!

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Huh. I was joking when i said they were going to try to start criminalizing the noticing of things.

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A bill to make the entire state's news media an overgrown version of one of those obsequious small town newspapers that is nothing but press releases and an opinion section that's nothing but rants about uppity queers and terrists.

How very Southern.

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But this will just penalize all the law-abiding, responsible typewriter owners.

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Introducing legislation that has no chance of passing to make a point? Where does this dickwad think he is, Washington?

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Who? Kirby Delauter?

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As that famous South Carolinian, James Petigru said just after succession: "South Carolina is too small for a republic and too large for an insane asylum".

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