Confederates are not and have never been willing to search for common ground.
And one of the reasons we know this is how eager they are to impose the "civility" burden on others while refusing to abide by it themselves.
Do people not understand what is happening here? How little it takes, where there is no pushback from pro-democracy people "in the middle", to go from this
And no, I'm not being "overdramatic". If people had listened to people who talked like me after Shelby v Holder in 2013, we wouldn't be where we are now.
My grandmother was a cranky, nasty, piece of work. I never liked her. she DID pass on one bit of wisdom though. She said "I don't know what all this fuss about when life begins is ......It's when the kids are gone and the dog dies"
While what you say is true, it also is omitting key history - namely that at quickening, abortion became a capital offense - and worse the capital offense "concealing a birth" could also be applied to miscarriages - and women in the American colonies actually were executed for it, so this is not a theoretical concern because the history is out there.
Quickening essentially equals the end of the first trimester from Roe -that is important to understand then - and it makes having The Court willing and able to cherry pick history incredibly dangerous.
The youngest girl executed in the US was 13 years old - the last execution of a woman in the US by burning at the stake was in 1805. The threat is real.
We are all sorts of doomed if Republicans get complete control of government - it's the only way to stop executions for abortion - because the courts aren't going to save you and the extreme right knows it.
If that danged rock was just bigger!
Like in FLORIDA??????????????
Don't forget I-85 and I-20
Assuming the Confeferate Republicans don't get away with all the cheating they're doing, is (and has always been) the thing
Walter - I hate to be the one saying this.
Confederates are not and have never been willing to search for common ground.
And one of the reasons we know this is how eager they are to impose the "civility" burden on others while refusing to abide by it themselves.
Do people not understand what is happening here? How little it takes, where there is no pushback from pro-democracy people "in the middle", to go from this
to this
And no, I'm not being "overdramatic". If people had listened to people who talked like me after Shelby v Holder in 2013, we wouldn't be where we are now.
Also I am far from the only one saying it.
"Life begins at erection!" - Bill Maher (2012)
My grandmother was a cranky, nasty, piece of work. I never liked her. she DID pass on one bit of wisdom though. She said "I don't know what all this fuss about when life begins is ......It's when the kids are gone and the dog dies"
It is not a liberal thing to get an abortion. Plenty of Jesus people get abortions, they just never tell anyone.
Jesus was far from a conservative His teachings are pretty far left.
So they think
Bold of you to assume they accept that women are actual people...
No treble?
But not as much person as a corporation. /s
While what you say is true, it also is omitting key history - namely that at quickening, abortion became a capital offense - and worse the capital offense "concealing a birth" could also be applied to miscarriages - and women in the American colonies actually were executed for it, so this is not a theoretical concern because the history is out there.
Quickening essentially equals the end of the first trimester from Roe -that is important to understand then - and it makes having The Court willing and able to cherry pick history incredibly dangerous.
The youngest girl executed in the US was 13 years old - the last execution of a woman in the US by burning at the stake was in 1805. The threat is real.
We are all sorts of doomed if Republicans get complete control of government - it's the only way to stop executions for abortion - because the courts aren't going to save you and the extreme right knows it.
I insist on it because I don't care what Confederate traitors think
If the fetus is in some sense a baby, then it should absolutely be illegal to kill it
Not if it's a threat to my life.