I know, "I wouldn't like it, you just lay there."

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She put crosshairs over the picture of Gabby Giffords and one of her fans shot Gabby.

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It gives simple, zero sum answers to things that make them feel smart. They know they are not.

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In the middle of absolutely nowhere.

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Wayne is my middle name, asshole.

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Wayne is my first name, dipshit.

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Is that what it is? I was so stunned by her response, including the part about the vaccines actually GIVING Covid to the people receiving it, that I just dropped it.

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I didn't know how to respond to her, and simply didn't answer. Whatever her reasoning is, it's completely incomprehensible.

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Are you a cereal killer, then?

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Another vile GOP poutrager...

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Grown-up Jonny is a character in The Venture Bros. If you watch Harvey Birdman, you should be impaired by a recreational substance of some kind.

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Thanks for the head's-up!

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Noem haz more sadz about this than she did about her grandmother who died from COVID.

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I have a sister who gets to hear Fox, through her husband. She was a new-Agey crystal/ herb type, very harmless and sweet. In the decades since of hearing Fox, she has these ridiculous ideas that are pretty much the opposite of what is going on. Example: the "left wants people to change their pronouns with many wanting to be referred to as 'IT'." (I think Robyn 'Trix, or CNN) would have covered this, were it true. She was pretty outraged by that one. I, like you, was so stunned, I couldn't even unpack that to rebut it. But, even if it was true, and there is a person who wishes to use that descriptor what does it matter? It does not affect me in any way. I would wish to know so I did not misaddress them, but that's it.

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Thank you for telling me that. This particular lady is also New Age-y, and I always saw her as harmless, until Covid hit and she started saying things that were alarming. Last year, she said it was no big deal if you got Covid, because you could cure it immediately with Hydroxychloroquine. Or maybe that you could prevent Covid by taking it first, I can't remember.

She still believes it works. I tried telling her it has not been proven to be effective, but she thinks that that the CDC is lying to us.

As much as I hate to wish harm on her, it might benefit her to get Covid, to try Hydroxychloroquine, find out it doesn't help, and to find out that Covid is real and should be taken seriously.

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It seems so. Pretty easy to stand with the white voter.

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