“can’t allow a President Kamala Harris”: Haley is going for the votes of those who can't stand the thought of a brown-skinned woman becoming President. Seems to me there is a flaw in this strategy...

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:-) that was about the last time I visited there, too.

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“There’s never been a vice president that got a president elected, because it doesn’t work that way,” he said. “It sounds good and everything, but the president gets himself elected.”

This may be true, but it's also true that the wrong VP candidate (*cough* Palin *cough* *cough*) can absolutely tank a campaign.

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Sep 11, 2023Liked by Stephen Robinson

PAB's VP requirements are simple: Someone who makes a nice background prop, one who doesn't vie for attention, and most especially, a person who would do what Pence refused to do on Jan. 6. My money is on Tim Scott but she'd be good for this, too.

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Sep 11, 2023Liked by Stephen Robinson

Trump well understands that any younger attractive woman will only be joining his ticket for the same reason Melania married him: hoping that he dies and they get the legacy.

However, Kari Lake has an advantage in the Veepstakes over Kristi Noem and Nikki Haley - she is a loser. She would owe him in a way that they, who have won on their own, would not.

Or he may just bypass the photogenic but Messalinaesque ladies and head for his next servile Pencebot, Tim Scott.

The gubernatorial endorsements will continue because they are in-state electoral gold in half this nation, but they won't end in Veeping.

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What happened to her face? And her hair? Fell into the Barbie Doll/fish face mode. And her extensions are not done well.

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Well, in 2019 she declared publicly "Meth: we're on it."

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I have long maintained that IF TFG picks a woman as a running mate - and there’s no particular reason to believe he will, but that’s what all the political pundits seem to think, and we know pundits are never wrong /s - it will be Noem.

1. Unlike Lake, who LOST, and Empty Gee, who “represents” a deep red congressional district, Noem has actually won a statewide race. Granted, it’s South Dakota, but still.

2. Unlike Lake and Empty Gee, who are professional trolls and grifters, Noem presumably has actual governing experience.

3. Noem is reasonably attractive, and we know how TFG feels about that.

4. Most importantly by far, Noem has always displayed the proper amount of obsequiousness and adoration towards TFG, but without trying to steal the spotlight. Haley has dared to criticize TFG before, while Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds dared to not endorse TFG and has recently been palling around with DeathSantis, so they’re both out. As for the spotlight, we already know the dangers of getting between Lake or Empty Gee and a camera, and TFG haaaaaaaates when someone tries to take attention away from him.

That said, I really don’t care. I want the TFG ticket to be curb-stomped next November by at least 20 million votes.

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Yep, for all these reasons.

And I think it's dangerous to assume that key swing voters view Noem the same as Lake, Greene. Noem is probably more popular among that demo than Harris.

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Definitely. Noem is a gun-toting grandma and has all the “conservative” bono fides, as that term is currently used, but she doesn’t seem to be obviously crazy like the other two.

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Sep 11, 2023Liked by Stephen Robinson

Noem is the perfect VP choice for Trump. She's fit, attractive, white, and a fawning, vacuous mean girl idiot who will happily follow Trump's orders next time he wants to overthrow the government should we ever have the democracy ending disaster of him squatting in the Oval Office again.

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I looked up South Dakota and it turns out it is a State in the US, which surprised me.

It has a population around One Million people, which is less than the Buffalo/Cheektowaga metropolitan area.

But speaking of buffalo, South Dakota has those.

Geography is fascinating.

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The Dakotas should be one state, because there is no way they deserve FOUR senators.

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The Dakotas, Wyoming, and Montana should be one state. 2 senators representing them would be generous.

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They were intentionally created to give the Republicans more Senators and electoral votes (we know this because 19th century politicians were not afraid to say such things out loud). This was a gerrymander of the whole country.

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Sep 11, 2023·edited Sep 11, 2023

The only person that can jump on a speeding train (ON A MOTORCYCLE) is Michelle Yeoh! Who did that in Police Story 3, and broke her leg doing so...and they used the shot!

Sorry Kristi, you're no Michelle.


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Noem loves the Orange Quisling so much, she should go be in prison with him.

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Seems more like a Trump honey wagon than a train.

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I appreciate all the Trump references include a mention that he's out on bail. Can't be said enough.

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This article gifted us the phrase "...Trump, who is out on bail..." and that will live rent-free in my head for all time.

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Will Trump even consider a woman as veep? There are two schools of thought on the subject:

1) No, because he doesn't take women seriously.

2) Yes, because he doesn't take women seriously.

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Trumps waiting for her to just start texting him sexy pics saying “thinking of you”

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