GOP lawmakers want to guarantee that the "odd" guys can be found in mens' rooms across the state. Nothing unusual about that, is there?

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This makes me feel better about South Dakota, where I have tons of family. Most of my family are very German and very Episcopalian and the family philosophy can best be summed up as, "mind your own damn business, and stay out of other people's". I was always under the impression from visits back there that it was a statewide philosophy, and it's good to be somewhat assured on this count.

Also I'm moderately drunk at 3 in the afternoon so if this shit is really rambly that's why.

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Here, here. Let's legislate that. And while were at it, what is UP with throwing TP or towels on teh FUCKING FLORR!

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Can't wait can you?

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OMG, right? Why they hell do I have to clean up after the person before me to make it a non-petrie dish? I'm talking planes/trains. In most public places you at least have the option of 6 or so stalls.

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Remember when that TV show, Ally McBeal, had unisex restrooms? There was outrage where I work around the water-cooler. I could not figure this out. The show had stalls with walls and doors that went ceiling to floor. And these folks all worked together, so not like some huge public rest stop area where anyone could just walk in.

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When do you think the Michigan legislature will take up your bill?

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You're being awfully selfish. I mean it's hard to maintain a false sense superiority when people start having the same rights as you. Come on think of the real victims here!

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Honestly the most disturbing thing about this story is the appearance of Slater's MexiMullet (and Dustin Diamond's general existence.)

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There will be lots & lots of volunteers. Priests & whatnot.

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Are you saying some criminal rapist wouldn't LIE and say they are transgender so that they can be allowed to access females in a bathroom setting?

Yes, because it's never happened, asshole. You think what, a criminal rapist will put on a dress just to use the ladies' room and RAPE AWAY? Never fucking happened, and that's a moronic excuse for discrimination.

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SCOTUS? Oh yeah. We used to have one of those.

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I give credit to Gov Daugaard, the rare Republican who takes his responsibility for the welfare of the people of his state seriously.

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That philosophy seems like a good place to start, although the current crop of evangelo-dominionists seems to have been undermined by the Prosperity Doctrine boysl

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I thank the guy loitering outside McDonald's for not going in and killing a whole bunch of people. VERY responsible of him.

Other responsible things he can do: http://www.ontheissues.org/...

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That's those crazy Duggar bladders for ya

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