La Mirada. Home of Biola University. [Biola started out as Bible Institute of Los Angeles].

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The sanctimonious minister won't ride Satan's trolly But he still loves his cotton poly

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Wonderful dig about rejecting their neutrality, Dok. "If you're not against them, we're against you."

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Every time the SBC disowns a congregation, an angel gets his/her wings.

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Oh, I know Biola's not Baptist. I've just always loved the name.

Edit: Also, too, it turns out I lived about a mile from the Marin seminary back in the seventies, without ever realizing that the Seminary Drive exit from 101 led to Southern Baptists.

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Also, they don't get the "good" table at the next SBC community bake sale!

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Can lepers still be stoned and forced to live in caves (with love)?

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Cortez had a Portman conversion.

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Look iffen you all motherfuckers are not going to hate like Jeebus told you too you cant be in the click,its that simple.So to gain readmission you must go out and club the gay out of a few dozen queers.How hard is that to understand,Jeebus's daddy may order you to even go as far as killing them iffen you cant club the gay away like when he ordered Abraham to knock off Issac

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Yeah, and even though I'm omnipotent, I TOTALLY did not see this coming!

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Wait. There were Southern Baptists in California??? I don't know what to make of this - has Caribou Boo checked in from outer space with her opinion, yet?

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Sounds like they have been forced out of the fellowship of the ring.

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I thought God liked rainbows.

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And his name ends with "z" which means -- like Ted Cruz -- he's not an American. (Though his family has probably lived here for 25,000 years.)

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I always stone heretics with heart shaped rocks! LOVE YOU *BAP*

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