Do voters really think Trump had more accomplishments than Joe Biden has? Sort of maybe yeah, but they’ll catch up. (The New Republic)
Oh no, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is going to have a bad week after ordering a Biden impeachment inquiry, that is :( — Semafor
Far be it from me to disagree with the eminent former Wonkette Jim Newell, but I think it’s GREAT that Old Handsome Joe Biden riffed on old John Wayne movies, and I would like to know why The Kids These Days aren’t giving him any props for being on the correct side of John Wayne vs. The Indians, i.e. fuck John Wayne. (Slate on MSN)
All the times the Republican Wisconsin state supreme court justices didn’t think they should recuse from cases involving donors to their campaigns while screaming that Janet Protasiewicz should recuse from a case involving Democrats who donated to her campaign. (Popular Info) o.O
Here’s how straight news covers the Wisconsin gerrymandering cluster. — AP
“How to be reasonably aware of the news without completely losing your mind.” Does not apply to Wonkette readers, obviously. (The White Pages)
Alabama would like the Supreme Court to pretty please let it use the illegal electoral map the Supreme Court agreed was illegal. (Chris Geidner at Law Dork)
Amanda Marcotte has some words for Republicans’ abortion word games. — Salon
But if they pump $500 million into local news outlets, who will read all the pink slime on Facebook? (Macarthur)
Old, but if Erin Gloria Ryan had to watch Ben Shapiro lose his mind about Barbie, we should support her by reading it. — Daily Beast
Tucker Carlson is just Alex Jones in a suit and tie. (Guardian)
Get your cozy longread pants on — and your cozy lie on the floor pants, you’re not getting back up from Life and Death in America’s Hottest City. — New Yorker
Yes we can! It’s a very good time to green up your home. (Environmental Defense Fund)
NOT AN AD! (But we will get a small commission if you purchase through the link!) My favorite publicists who love to send me things sent me these Halloween sheet masks, from Spa Life, and they are hilarious. IMA GHOST!
Today’s gif is in honor of International Dot Day on Friday. It’s all about the creativity (perhaps hidden) in all of us and having the courage to explore it. Learn more here:
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