In one of the elections that may decide control of the US Senate, incumbent Democratic Sen. Mark Kelly (D-Arizona) will debate soulless robot venture capitalist Blake Masters (R-Mordor), the demon thrall of tech billionaire Peter Thiel. There will also be some independent guy whose name we have no intention of looking up; if he's hilariously inept or awful maybe we'll do that later.
So far, "hilariously awful" mostly has applied to Masters, who's mostly notable for having punched an old guy at a campaign event, being a gross disgusting racist who said guns are only a problem when Black people have them, and for scrubbing his website of most mentions of abortion once he realized non-MAGA voters wouldn't like his forced-birth positions.
Read More:
Blake Masters Jumps Out Of Nowhere And Just Starts Whaling On This One Old Guy
GOP Senate Candidate Blake Masters Knows Who Does The Gun Violence: Black Folks
Creepy Ghoul Blake Masters Not Winning Over Voters In Arizona Senate Race
Blake Masters Here! Can You Tell Me What Abortion Position You Want Me To Adopt And I'll Adopt It?
Expect Masters to face a lot of questions about what he says he now thinks about abortion, after having campaigned in the primary on his plan to introduce a constitutional amendment to give full citizenship rights to fertilized eggs. And about his comments that A merica's gun violence problem is mostly due to
people in Chicago, St. Louis shooting each other. Very often, you know, Black people, frankly. And the Democrats don’t want to do anything about that.
He really is a jerk, is what we're saying.
Here's your WonkTV video of the debate, what is set to begin at 9: 00 Eastern!
We aren't planning to liveblog this mess, but Yr. Doktor Zoom may look in on the comments and join you in throwing popcorn at the screen and recycling jokes from Mystery Science Theater 3000.
Oh, also tonight, Old as Dirt Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) will belch a lot of nonsense at his Democratic opponent, retired Navy Admiral Mike Franken (D), starting ... uh-oh, at 8 Eastern, so you can go rewind that if you wanna, here.
OK, settle down and watch your WonkTV!
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I hope so!
Theres's some fings "up with which, we will not put.And its not just grammar Nazis's, incompetent politicians, and other assorted wankers we have to worry about.