Except Benghazi.

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He's just asking us to eat him and his ilk, isn't he?

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I saw them in Ventura at a big show. There was a brush fire on a nearby hill, so they played Fire on the Mountain. Minds were blown, I tell you. The fire was behind the crowd and most were not exactly paying close attention to their surroundings. Funny and a fun show.

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Amtrak was actually on schedule with PTC and probably will make the original deadline. Freight RR's have a much bigger problem. They have spent over $5B and it's not clear to me they would be further along if they spent more. To me the Amtrak issue is different - we should have been spending a LOT more to improve the whole NEC - like eliminating that curve - a 50mph curve on a 100 mph RR is just insane.

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It's too hard and costs too much money to make life-saving upgrades, so instead we get this. Doesn't anyone else see how expensive being cheap is?

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"spewed around here"

The transcript doesn't mention it, but he must have pointed to his mouth-hole at this moment.

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He also made it okay to take your gun on Amtrak.

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I was just on Amtrak on the east coast and those fkers are full.

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I remember the volcano monitoring comment; Jindal said it six weeks before the huge eruption of Mt. Redoubt in Alaska covered $arah Palin with volcanic ash.

"The smart people won't vote for us." --Piyush "Bobby" Jindal

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Fuck you, Boehner. Fuck You. That's all I have to say.

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Just tell the congressional cons it's a highly efficient gun transportation/distribution system, and call it the "2nd amendment express" and those knuckle dragging idjits will vote through the funding.

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Efficient? That sounds like less fuel. The oil lobby will never let them.

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That Amtrak manages to accomplish anything given its shrinking budget, the antiquated equipment and infrastructure it inherited, and both legislative and corporate interference, is one hell of a tribute to the poor souls who work there.

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Yup. Ridership in the Corridor has, I believe, gone UP every year since Amtrak took over the rotting corpse of the Pennsy's once-admirable commuter rail system.

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'We're showing a trouble light on 220 East. Let's see what it... wait, what do they mean, "Out of service area"?'

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