If we disqualified all the House members who participated with insurrection from running again....

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Ta, Gary. Altogether too much fuckery of the absolutely worst kind going on on that side of the aisle.

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They'd be better off - and more palatable - if they stuck to what they're good at: cheating and theft. At least that's intelligible, something you can rely on. But no, they ALL think they're special, that they're the FIRST ONES to dredge up these defective ideas and and an Instrument of God. Fuck.

At least with straight up corruption you know where you stand.

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I don't think they mean "federal employees shouldn't eat at all once their meager savings runs out" when they suggest you fast for Lent. But hooray for today, anyway.

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Boston Globe gave Mike Johnson a cookie for this. If it were a Dem in the Speaker chair the headline would have been "Democrats in Disarray blah blah blah."


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I do want to see if Americans *will* punish Republicans for their treachery on abortion and start electing Democratic challengers to these Senate seats, not to mention flipping the House back. Unfortunately because there are more of these Republican-controlled states, the net effect will be a more conservative Senate at the very least.

It is nice to see the nihilists get spanked though.

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It’s almost like republicans aren’t serious about governing.

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<< The whole standoff has also led to some hilarious Kubler-Ross-level stages of grief from various conservatives >>

This is simply brilliant, next-level analysis. Really. Fucking brilliant. It's exactly what is going on.

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This is why I keep "gov't shutdown" on my bingo card. It's just as bad as "California wildfires sue for statehood" and I don't want it to happen, but the odds are very high.

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So far rethugs are actually making progress holding the budget hostage. Fewer IRS agents are the main give away I can see, despite the fact that they are already proving their worth. Still MAGAts must perform.

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>“But the House majority ought to count for something.

The House repos don't seem to be able to count anything, least of all votes.

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Apparently half the GOP doesn't give a shit what the lunatic caucus and MTG think.

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You'd think even a maroon like Mike Who? would have realized by now that when they every time they make us repeat this circus, the House speaker eventually sees some reason and agrees. And every time he agrees he gets pummeled from the right and eventually kicked out of the leadership. Why not go for a BIG boot, kick it all the way into next year. Make it the new congress's problem. It would be a bigger hit this time, but he wouldn't have to fight for his life every 6 weeks, a fight he will lose sooner rather than later?

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House vote at 3. Speaker defenestration to follow.

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“But the House majority ought to count for something. We should get at least half of what we want, shouldn’t we?”

Sorry, Bob. But with the barest of bare majorities, you are one half of one half of Congress. That means that if your logic actually meant anything - and it doesn't - you get one quarter of what you want. Which, for all I know as I'm not troubling to find out further, may be exactly how it turned out.

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I don't get this, as I'd thought the whole point to dividing the appropriations was to enable for longer-term budgeting. Are Republicans not really interested in long-term budgeting? Do they instead like the conflict and drama they keep creating? I think they do.

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