Caaaannnn't wait to hear what Rush "Slut Pills" Limbaugh has to say about this.

(Maybe he'll cut her some slack because she's white?)

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Wait, does this have to do with that basket sportsball game, the one where they take turns throwing the ball into the peach basket? The one that Americans living up near the Canadian border (who are, let's be honest here, all crypto-Canadians anyway because duh, 'eh) don't play, because it conflicts with hockey season? That one?

Well hurray then -- breaking down walls, smashing glass ceilings, respecting people for their skills and talent and not blocking advancement due to matters that have no relevance to leadership ability, welcome to the 21st century and all that.

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I knew Popovich briefly when he was a Special Services Officer at Sunnyvale AFS, in 71-72. He seemed like quite a nice guy. (He was also determined to put together a team to compete in the Palo Alto rec "A" league, which was insane. All the other teams had at least one seven-footer, sometimes two. We were the goddam Air Force; I think our tallest player was 6'5").

The thing is, he was already coaching. And he seems to have continued to be a good fellow. The Spurs are the NBA's example of teamwork, so I like them.

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You are a GRIZZLIES fan? I'll grant you Marc, but still sort of a shadow of Pau.

Oh, BTW, can you imagine either of them on the Spurs?

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Guess what? I'm an old white guy. An old, 6'1", white guy. I quite enjoy both the WNBA and college womens' BB. For almost exactly the reasons you say (They do not shoot fucking set shots. Nobody shoots fucking set shots. Even 66-year-olds get a little elevation).

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This is true. She'd still run into Popovich.

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Wingnuts blame Jason Collins, T minus 10 seconds and counting.

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Maybe she'll convince that bum Popovich to wear a fuckin' tie once in a while.

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Or when that mariachi kid sang the national anthem (which the Spurs responded to by having the kid sing it again at the next playoff game).

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I think her style also fits with the Spurs team structure - they aren't tied to 1 or 2 "Alpha Dogs" that need the ball every time down. They play that relentless, Euro-style offense where there are 3 or 4 viable shooters on the court at any time and passing and rebounding is emphasized. Since the WNBA is still built around that style of play, it's a good match for her.

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While I agree with you overall, it should be noted that Larry Bird did an excellent job as Indiana Pacers head coach. White basketball player stereotypes aside he was a hell of an athlete. Also, its not quite the same but John Elway is doing a nice job in Denver. More often than not though it is the slightly lesser pure athletes who make the best coaches.

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