Buying girlscout cookies is also an opportunity to support the girlscouts. I usually pay for two boxes but only take home one. Something something libturd something Nobama sheeple derp.
Placentas and fetal tissue are actually ingredients in several of the cookies. Look for the Planned Parenthood/Girl Scout gotcha videos to be coming out soon.
Currently in a dilemma. My cub scout just crossed over and chose a "Christian-centered" troop. He didn't know it was Christian, he just thought it was a fun troop, they cooked some decent food, had a great camp experience. When we found out it was Christian I hesitated, and then came to find out that if parents want to be leader in the troop they have to sign an affirmation of their Christian belief that includes literal belief in Mary was a virgin and Jesus was literally resurrected. Oh, and also that marriage is between one man and one woman. My DH and I both were like oh hell no we can't sign that. Only more polite. But this is how the troop is dealing with the change to allow gay Scouts. It also excludes families of color in our area who are Hindu. About half of his Webelo group were Hindu. My kid really wants this troop but my heart is saying no.
I guess these religious people like this archbishop don't have enough productive things to do than badmouth others without actual facts, or intelligence. I'll continue supporting good organizations like Girl Scouts, thank you.
Those are some broad generalizations. Nowhere does the handbook specify any specific religious requirements. In fact, it goes very far to specify a reverence for all faiths or skepticisms. Not only that, but the organization was born out of a number of turn-of-the-century groups that observed Native American and naturalist beliefs. Each individual troop may have their own kooky religious rules, but none of them are sanctioned rules. That doesn't represent us as a whole, and it's totally unfair to misrepresent The BSA as a whole as a bunch of God-bothering racists.
My little child laborer had me take the sheet to work at the firehouse and then somehow I got to unload the tractor trailer with the entire county's haul at a loading dock. A regular Tom Sawyer she is, just like her Mom!
Finish sorting out your own house before you start on someone else's.
These days, nuns fight back.
Cub scouts sell popcorn!
Buying girlscout cookies is also an opportunity to support the girlscouts. I usually pay for two boxes but only take home one. Something something libturd something Nobama sheeple derp.
Placentas and fetal tissue are actually ingredients in several of the cookies. Look for the Planned Parenthood/Girl Scout gotcha videos to be coming out soon.
I always get that confused with Tagalog. Magandang Umaga! Or Hapon.
Currently in a dilemma. My cub scout just crossed over and chose a "Christian-centered" troop. He didn't know it was Christian, he just thought it was a fun troop, they cooked some decent food, had a great camp experience. When we found out it was Christian I hesitated, and then came to find out that if parents want to be leader in the troop they have to sign an affirmation of their Christian belief that includes literal belief in Mary was a virgin and Jesus was literally resurrected. Oh, and also that marriage is between one man and one woman. My DH and I both were like oh hell no we can't sign that. Only more polite. But this is how the troop is dealing with the change to allow gay Scouts. It also excludes families of color in our area who are Hindu. About half of his Webelo group were Hindu. My kid really wants this troop but my heart is saying no.
Campfire is now co-ed. And they are cool with gay parents and gay scouts.
Better become pagan before Easter.
They will be happy to take donations, pretty sure.
I'll be in my.... kitchen wiping off the saliva.
That's so terrible and closed-minded of them, I'm sorry you and your son had to go through that.
I hope that your son finds a troop that is focused instead on the real values of the organization. He has a brother in Scouting here rooting for him.
It's just so weird when you are staring it in the face. Of nice people who really do mean well and do good work.
I guess these religious people like this archbishop don't have enough productive things to do than badmouth others without actual facts, or intelligence. I'll continue supporting good organizations like Girl Scouts, thank you.
Those are some broad generalizations. Nowhere does the handbook specify any specific religious requirements. In fact, it goes very far to specify a reverence for all faiths or skepticisms. Not only that, but the organization was born out of a number of turn-of-the-century groups that observed Native American and naturalist beliefs. Each individual troop may have their own kooky religious rules, but none of them are sanctioned rules. That doesn't represent us as a whole, and it's totally unfair to misrepresent The BSA as a whole as a bunch of God-bothering racists.
My little child laborer had me take the sheet to work at the firehouse and then somehow I got to unload the tractor trailer with the entire county's haul at a loading dock. A regular Tom Sawyer she is, just like her Mom!