There's an effort ongoing to drop that, but a federal mandate would probably be faster!

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I think carve-outs for them is a given. If not, I'll give it!

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Now I'm worried about my kid going to school. It starts in 3 weeks. My county is 28% fully vaccinated. The CDC has us in the orange but it's probably just a matter of time before it's red. My son went to in-person school last year but it was only for 3 hours a day and they were masked the entire time. This year the plan is for a full school day. Right now the plan is for kids too young to get vaccinated (my son is almost 8) to wear masks, but with the all day and this extra contagiousness of the virus, I'm concerned. I've been vaccinated (Moderna) and my parents who babysit have been too (Johnson), but I'm worried it won't be enough. I don't want my son getting sick nor do I want my parents (or me).

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Is there a level of group stupidity below Dunning-Kruger?

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Freedom Caucus Syndrome.

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Ugh. Hope it stays mild.

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My fellow Missourians :(

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This just popped up in my FB feed from the NC COVID-19 Information Center. Can't wait for the local wingnut reaction:

Everyone in a county with high rates of virus spread - including those who have been vaccinated – is encouraged to wear a mask in public indoor settings. In NC, that is already 80% of counties.

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Well, we could always go back to this, I suppose. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Protect yourselves, your loved-ones and friends. Educate the willing. Avoid the masses and the maskless MAGATs. They are a threat to themselves and everyone else. This idiotic politicizing and culture war-ing over a global pandemic is so emblematic of both the Trump era and our government today. Trump and half our government are uniquely unsuited to responding to a crisis like this, incapable of finding the courage, decency and selflessness to come together to save lives.

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New Yorkers come together in adversity. And every one of us knows someone who died.

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I'd have flipped them off too.

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I think it's more a distribution thing. Everybody wants to be a doctor in New York. Nobody wants to be a doctor in Alabama. Part of the thing about fast-tracking MDs from overseas is they have to live in some of the shittiest places in America.

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I'm noticing the name "Schlapp" in the illustrative photo you posted and am left wondering if it's in reference to our old friend Matt Sclapp? Judging from the grades of imbecile represented, I'd wager that old Schlapp fits in somewhere between low grade imbecile and idiot, although the idea that he's able to even express self-preservation is highly suspect.

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I feel for you and your family. We are beset on all sides by the anti-vaxxer idiots. There are no easy choices. May you and all your loved ones fare well!

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