A few hundred million Euros is a hellava lot of bingo.

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<i>Are you a The Walking Dead fan?</i>

Well, the Msgra went to a few of their concerts, back in the day, but nowadays, with her joints hurting like they do, she's not very ambulatory. I guess she's a good candidate to become a <i>Replacement Hippie</i>.

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It also buys a lot of Rent-A-Boys.

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Only a good kid with a toy gun can stop a bad kid with a toy gun?

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Well. There goes another promising career as a stand-up comic.

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"As Chief of Police, I apologize to Tamir's family and anyone who was offended..."

And yet, this is the man who is supposedly in control of the police. Christ alive, let me go grab my derp-proof helmet. Between this and the Phyllistine Schlaughly article, it's going to be that kind of day...again...for the eighteenth time.

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I understand some of the funds were invested in bundled indulgence securities.

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Or maybe sell toy Kevlar vests.

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The Indulgences Market is up 666 basis points on the CBOT since 2009.

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Kids will be kids and since forever the little white kids were the cowboys with guns and the blahs and Messicans was the injuns whats so hard to understand about that

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