If that's what it takes to make you feel superior. It doesn't change the fact that communism puts everyone on the same level as equality but the Soviet Union created new class ranks based on favoritism to maintain power. Which then literally redefines communism.

But sure, you go rant about how idiotic all those people are who support cutting down the rich because Soviet Russia proves it. And I guess then go point at Venezuela for why socialism is bad, too. Then you can enjoy being treated like shit by capitalism because it's totally the best. :eyeroll:

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I do love your hilarious strawmen. No I know why Venezuela fell apart. Chavez pegged his high social spending to the continued thriving of oil at over $100/barrel. No matter how good your intentions, that's a bad idea. And yeah the country is/was a version of socialist, but then again I don't point to one country to discount the idea of social democracy, as parts of Europe and parts of East Asia have shown. Also that's the inherent problem with anarcho-communism. There will always be stratification in society, and no amount of totally swearing everyone will get the same will change it. I'm not even opposed to differing ration counts, as differing people at differing jobs have differing caloric intakes. A 300 lb person in the military doing heavy training by fact needs more calories than an older person who is retired or a desk jockey. Pinning the total failure of communism in the Soviet Union on that is fallacious.But seriously tell me more about the country that always talked of communism and based their single party around communism isn't communist. Maybe the inherent drive to achieve this is inpracticable in the modern world.

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Darn tootin'

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"Peace with honor." Better known as "drag the war on for five more years and then bail, leaving the people who were on your side to fend for themselves."

There was eventually peace, but there damn sure wasn't any honor.

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Thanks for reminding me. I need to get a bottle of Jameson tonight or I won't have breakfast tomorrow. Jameson and ibuprofen. The breakfast of old retired construction workers.

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That's a relief. And remember, we don't have to worry about ISIS because of the Secret Plan the President has about that.

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A rising tide raises all boats.A Cat-5 hurricane sinks all boats.

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Boss Tweet keeps using Fake Weather Maps to defend his earlier Fake Weather Report that claimed Alabama was going to be hit by Dorian.

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Sydney Poitier is always worth watching.

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I work, tangentially, in construction, and a lot of projects are stalled. Like, a LOT. Probably a tariff on steel hurts construction. Who knew?

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I had a college professor who studied electoral behavior and she found that, in national elections, you can count on 45 percent to vote Democratic, 45 percent to vote Republican. 10 percent are truly independent and switch. Consider that when you see Trump polling at 40 percent.

To me, given that he has has high approval among Republicans, it means that a lot of people are dropping the Republican Party. I could be wrong, though. I haven't see the data on numbers of people registered for each party.

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Hair transplant mishap?

That's been my opinion when he wears his baseball caps, that he's covering a bad plug or something.

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I just hope I live long enough to see his head once he's trimmed for penal servitude. He had a bad scalp reduction which worsened his attempt to look flawless.

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I am going to stick up for Trump voters -- ICK -- and remind everyone that Trump made it seem like he would replace Obamacare with something resembling Medicare for All and pundits were saying, constantly, on both sides of the aisle, that Trump was secretly a moderate and that Ivanka and Jared would be a positive, moderating influence.

There's also the thing I told my sister, a Trump voter: I guess not everyone has as good a bullshit detector as me.

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I’ve got a bandanna and a padlock.

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Ta, Evan.

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