Cynmac called the financial guy first thing this morning, pulled all her money out of the stock market. All moved to CASH, baby. On a fixed income, I can't have my nest egg in this lottery system. Yesterday was my eye opener. A SINGLE TWEET caused that much disruption. OH HELL NO.And then I read market predictions that the next recession, and it's coming, may affect 50-70% of assets. That is worse than the Dot Bomb in 2001 when your cynmac lost 40%.So advice is stay alert and take care of yourself. When the wave of revessions swept through the late 80s and 90s, all funds were in bond markets. I play it safe.

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Order a POD. Have them stored offsite. Did that before my big renovation.

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OTOH if you can afford a pair of USA made socks might I recommend "People Socks"


it's all I ever wear (for socks, that is)

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I just bought a new bed. Wanted times it until next year but the freaking tariffs!!

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At Jeans North, where nothing fits.

(skipped a few lines)

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Not to worry, the master negotiator is running the show, remember how well he handled North Korea, it has only advanced it's nuclear and missile program about doubled in the last two years after being a bit slower in previous 20. . and remember how he got us out of the Iran deal because he could do a better one? or or how he is going to give us better health care because it would be easy until he found out that health care is complicated. Tariffs will be easy, he just needs to stand strong and threaten more people and they will fold before him, like the way that Mexico is paying for the wall.

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I think they were returning the stuff because they needed the refund more than they needed the stuff and couldn't afford to just throw the stuff away and write it off as a loss.

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I was gruntled before gruntled got cool!

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Are you suggesting that to be a Reds fan one must be a bit demented?

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Pre-K thru college!

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Hey Dee Dooo....

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Let's see, Trump wants more tariffs with China. China holds a shit ton of our debt. The fed decides to lower rates when the economy is supposed to be booming.

Buckle up for the shitshow guys and gals. The cons need to crash the economy before the Dems take over.

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Late grandfather labored 43 years at P&G in Baltimore, and left late Mom his retirement, which was in stock. She used a good portion of it to build the house she retired in, in which we now live. There's a wee bit left over, and her dying words were, 'Don't touch the P&G'. "Daddy" and Mom's theory was that, no matter what, folks were going to wash their dishes/clothes, take a shower and wipe their butts, so P&G would prevail. Dividends just about cover HOA dues; combined fixed incomes barely cover home/flood/car insurance, property taxes, and day-to-day expenses. Share your concern about inevitable recession under this moron, but if he convinces Fed to LOWER interest rates, conscientious savers will be in the same jam many of our elderly relatives faced in the last downturn, when CDs and savings accounts paid virtually nothing. We know it beats the alternative, but getting old ain't for sissies these days...Good luck, y'all…;0

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The problem isn't that Cheeto doesn't get it; he can always go to Jared for some Saudi $$ or ring up Vlad for some campaign 'contributions'. The problem is that his WalMart consumer base voters don't get it and, if rallies are a sign, never will. Therein lies our conundrum....No damned wonder he LURVS the poorly-educated...

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At least I got something out of it.

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