I've read Pompeo and Bolton didn't get along.

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That's the GOP playbook. Rich guys play acting at being working class, and throwing around some Jesus talk, army talk, never mind that these guys never do anything Christian and often never serve their country--it's all part of image and identity, and it's enough for the goobers who also pretend to care about that stuff, at least insofar as it helps them hate liberals.

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Ugh. He's even more of a toady than I had thought. Trump won't like the parts of that piece where Pompeo is seen as manipulating him. Of course, he won't read it (too long) but someone might point it out to him.

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Really. I'm sure there are still at least a dozen or so Gulags that could take him.

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I like Jon Ossoff a lot. I tossed him quite a few bucks during the GA-06 election. I'm glad to see him back out here.

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Yes, me, too.

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He might have said Trump would not do his part of the deal and make the terrorists look good.Probably right.

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autocorrect is relentlessly ignorant; it has not only a severely limited vocabulary, hardly larger than even Twitler's, but it hasn't the first notion of context. But yet, even while typing this reply, it warned me about a typo correctly.So, a very mixed blessing. Isn't there some deeply hidden setting which can prevent it from just willy-nilly substituting some inappropriate word it likes (for its own, unfathomable reasons) for the one you were trying to type in?

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Snidely Whiplash.That guy from the Simpsons.Capt. Crunch. Any Mario Bros.That Other Guy from the Simpsons.

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"We'd love to send Mitch McConnell back to the Galápagos Islands..."

But why? What have the Galápagos Islands done to deserve this?

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The Democratic Party needs to get Stacey Abrams into a national leadership role. This is the person who should be directing the party's efforts.

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had to google Wario; but if he were 3D instead of 2D he'd be a lock for the job

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Not entirely on topic, but...One of the local grocery stores plays New Country on the Muzak. I try not to listen. But this morning there was some dumb song called 'God's Country' that intruded upon my consciousness - they didn't have any sammiches on sale so my guard was down.ANYway, the song is about what a pious place Georgia is. After I stopped snickering I caught this line: 'The Devil went down to Georgia, but he didn't stick around.' I assumed that this is because he didn't have anything left to do there - the Rs already work for him and the Ds don't believe in him.

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Ha!Just got back from IL. Lock the front door, oh boy.Got to sit down, take a rest on the porch........

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thanks, Jim- i still, after all these years, get choked up thinking about him

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