CNN, Chuck Todd, and Chris Cillizza all say Democrats have overplayed their hand and are on the verge of extinction.

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The Nazi Repuglican Alliance?

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She's going to have to run a very ugly campaign pushing Kemp's incompetency at managing the Pandemic, and rag on how the Republican candidates have been ruining the state. Best of luck to her, but I'm so jaded at this point I don't expect a miracle. Marjorie Taylor Greene could goose-step her way across the stage to introduce Kemp and he'd still get reelected.

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Potential temporary tactical asset.

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E-x-p-a-n-d the court!

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A religious fanatic who massacred women and children for his god? I seriously doubt that.

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There is no shortage any longer of known abortifaciants, and they **WILL** be available online. Neither safe nor legal, but still better than the pre-Roe situation.

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Democracy survived almost a century of Jim Crow, so the rather clear answer is "Yes".

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I'll believe it when I see it - until then, I'm assuming the racist white man will win.

And even if she wins she'll have a supergerrymandered Republican state legislature

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But would she be able to beat out Abrams?

Replacing MTG with a more rabid propagandist isn’t something I’d worry about. She’s already crossed well over the line, so a replacement being even more extreme isn’t going to change much, IMO.

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I'm wondering about criteria for this map Nevada has legal aboun the state constitution

Abortion in Nevada is legal within 24 weeks since fertilization, under the Nevada Revised Statutes chapter 442, section 250; and after 24 weeks if the pregnancy could be fatal for the pregnant woman.

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How helpful!

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Too many lives taken and ruined. Again. Fuck.

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Why doesn't she smile more? Wait, she IS smiling?? Doesn't she know that government is SERIOUS BUSINESS??

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Chief Stench?

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Disagree. It will make a tremendous difference, because while she may not get to move her agenda forward, NEITHER WILL THEY. Like, sure. Hilary was unlikely to get much done with a Republican congress, but at least the shit they pulled with Trump (tax cuts for rich fuckwads, 3 - count'em, THREE - supreme court justices) would not have happened. So yeah, let's watch it on the cynical defeatist BS here, okay? If we gain nothing, we have no chance to gain ANYTHING.

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