Mr. Lee could learn a thing or two from Harry Truman.

"Give 'em Hell, Harry!" Truman replied, "I don't give them Hell. I just tell the truth about them, and they think it's Hell."

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Unless court reform is done along with it, passing this law will be a waste of time because SCOTUS will strike it down.

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I wonder what Lee thought of the GOP Tax Bill - the one written in secret in the middle of the night, with barely legible handwritten addenda in the margins, that was something like 700 pages long and was allowed only about two hours for reading, discussion, and debate....

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What will you do moving forward?

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"Nuking the filibuster" seems to be turning into another version of "Defund the Police". We know what you mean and want to get, but......

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Yep--when we say "nuke the filibuster" it sounds like an extreme, anti-deliberation power grap. If we say "reform the filibuster" well look how unreasonable you'd have to be to oppose that!

It's all in the messaging, and our side is so used to talking to others inside our bubble we lose the ability to see how it looks from outside our bubble.

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Stacey Abrams is a Goddess of Justice and Goodness.

The pieces of shit trying to undo her good works? Not worthy of brushing the dust off of the footsteps she leaves on their asses as she marches onward.

Also, too, I still hate those assholes.

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She has turned into an indispensable part of the fortress protecting our democracy. And it is under an unrelenting attack.

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Good question. Scott is just begging for someone to challenge him on this. This isn't about him being a conservative--nothing wrong with that!--but to actively aid disenfranchisement in a way that anyone from the South should recognize from not very long ago? That's unconscionable.

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So, according to this doofus heaven is Bioshock: Jesus edition.

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Does that mean hell has sensible regulations then? So like if I fall off my spirit scaffolding there’ll be a demon managed OSHA that’ll fine my employer for not putting in a railing to prevent my spirit fall? I just can’t with these wingnuts.

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Great post, SER! "Great Southern-fried demagoguery" indeed. And can someone tell Mike Lee to blend the concealer under his eyes, please!

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Thank god Manchin and Sinema are democrats, otherwise republicans would still be running the senate.

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OT, but probably of interest to Georgia wonkers:"A few hours earlier, the political fortunes of former NFL running back Herschel Walker — and avenging the stinging GOP defeats in Georgia’s Senate races in January — were foremost on Trump’s mind. “Wouldn’t it be fantastic if the legendary Herschel Walker ran for the United States Senate in Georgia? He would be unstoppable, just like he was when he played for the Georgia Bulldogs, and in the NFL. He is also a GREAT person. Run Herschel, run!” Trump said."

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